Be me, just unlocked 2nd tier of weapons with US, manual shootah enjoyer
Get in a match against japanese with TIER 3 type hei semi-auto rifles, LMGs, flamethrowers and shit
Have friendlies descend from the sky, absolutely decimating everything on their way with SMGs
Next time, go against Marder(Tier 3) tank when in a USSR vs Germany match(I haven’t even unlocked Tier 2 with USSR)
What is this nonsense? Make BRI fight ONLY against BRI equipment, because otherwise you just feel like a lost cause when a dude with an LMG or something goes fuck-all on your squad, erasing it from existence in a matter of seconds
BRI fights BRI and BRII.
If you have a BRII platoon, then you will potentially fight BRIII as well as BRI
Yeah, I’m aware of that. It’s just that BRII unlocks some serious weaponry that has nothing to do in a BRI battle, where people use manuals and low-level SMGs
Then grind the LMG’s
You people see what I mean when I say BR’s are bad for people’s mindsets? I started this game with Springfield’s fighting FG 42’s and didn’t complain a single time as I slowly grinded through and finally got to the M2 Carbine after so long. This guy just started and is already complaining about BR II and III gear as if it’s some insurmountable obstacle that he has no chance in Hell of overcoming. This is what assigning an arbitrary value to equipment does
Man up, grow a pair, and get good. It’s not that hard
I didn’t mean it’s impossible to play, I meant that it fucks up overall balance
I sure know how to shoot my manuals, especially scoped ones, but one man can’t win a match against BRII-BRIII arsenals running around
If you did, great job, I hope you are as cool and skilled irl as in this game
The one rule I learned about three years ago when I started is never fight above the majority of weapons you have. I remember getting all excited about getting my first BAR, so I had one BAR and all my other weapons and squads were level one or two. It wasn’t a pleasant experience , but I didn’t bitch, I just removed the BAR and played level two until I could stock most of my squads with level three weapons.
it is BR2. tiers in tech tree and BR are different things.
Yeah, got that mixed up
Doesn’t make me hate current balancing less though
you will learn that equipment and BR currently doesnt affect balance in any meaningful way. what affects it in over 95% of the matches is quality of players on both sides and that is why most people complain. fighting with ±1 BR really isnt a problem.
Advice from a player who only understood the definition of an arms race after being slaughtered by automatic weapons for half a year:
If you can’t get gaming experience with your hobbies
Just join the people who make it impossible for you to have a good gaming experience
This will become your new hobby (most of the time)
Advice from a player who started thinking after being a suicide infantryman for 9 months:
If you can’t defeat the enemy head-on
Just attack from the side
What an absolute load of bull. You don’t know the first thing about an f’d up balance. You are so, incredibly coddled in this game now and you don’t even know it
Yes you can. It’s not that hard. Just keep at it. Grind your SMG’s. Grind your LMG’s. Get your BR II semi auto if you can get one. Play BR II for a long time once you get there. Get used to it. Get a good feel for the game. Once you’re confident you know what you’re doing, you may enter the sweatfest of BR’s III-V and enjoy some of the most fun this game has to offer in BR III
Yes. This is how building lineups works. You gotta do it all, or most of it at least, parallel. You don’t slap on your brand new BR 3.0 in your 1.7 lineup in WT without getting other 2.7’s-3.3’s to go with it for a full line up. DO NOT put a random BR III gun in your BR I-II lineup. It will never end well. It’s just plain dumb to be honest. Trying to throw yourself into a fray you just ain’t ready for if you’re still new to the game
Sadly it seems most new players just don’t understand this
We should have just stuck with campaigns but made weapon and vehicle transfer universal. So if you unlocked the Garand in the Pacific, then it shall be available for use in Normandy and Tunisia respectively. All we got is an arms race using prototype firearms and vehicles.