Battle Points Rebalance

tempest is a waste of money bruv.

please, give XP when we destroy heavy machine guns from the enemies. now they dont reward us xp


@WidowMakerUk73 are you using pointer control or no?

Great news - I do think engineering should be more and didn’t think tank/plane kills needed a buff. I think tanks and planes are often used for farming too much rather than playing objective. Speaking of which - no increase to points for objectives?

Still good progress though - really hoping this ties into ranking too rather than just being purely win/loss based. I know Marshal is going to be harder to achieve - but it needs to be skill based rather than just play enough and you’ll get it eventually.

I’m glad you’re getting more XP for shooting down planes. It’s a start. Playing air is one of the funniest things in the game. Especially when both teams are spamming planes.

Well, if they fixed Hispanos I would be fine, I’m a collector and a big fan of flying, but currently all I can do is tickle the 188 or bf110, out of 10 planes, I’ll cause a petrol leak and out of 50 planes, shoot tail off… just needs fixing.

Screen joystick mode, on ps5

Planes need convergence options. As of right now the gun convergence is set where if you get close you will only be shooting the wings. I want it less than 50m

Looks like you’re all over the place, pointer makes it easier to aim.

Replays on consoles don’t work at the moment unfortunately. First you had to go through the forums and click on the Replay news article to access them, then they changed it to open it from your mobile/computer while the console is on, but that bugged out after one day. I’ll have to make a bug report on it.


im so far enjoying this
this is good update
good job :smiley:

Will you please commit to or otherwise state you are not going to improve the custom match options available to console players seeing as there seems no chance of us ever receiving a map editor in order to create mods? The options are so limited it’s actually appalling. If you have no plans to improve options for console players, can you instead force all existing mods by pc players into crossplay only so that console players get more chance to play in modded maps? The choices are always very limited on console as I believe alot of modded maps are being used exclusively in “PC only” lobbies. The elitism is really making console players feel like second class citizens of enlisted. A reply would genuinely be appreciated. Thanks

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Is there a new content update soon since new season is just around the corner?

Most likely your replays are full. There’s no way to delete them from in game so you’d have to uninstall then reinstall enlisted. Worked for me

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Nah, I do just fine, I’m all over the place as was on the phone at the time lol, both the ju87 and the bombers, should have gone down mich quicker, I take full waves down with other planes…

hi no big update because the next big update will be with the new campaign

Disagree, this year we get only one campaign and is battle of bulge in summer, all the campaign we get in the past 2y was already something dev worked for a lot of time and released one next the other

  • Berlin and tunisia was already in the campaign from the first day only unaccessible

  • Stalingrad and Pacific was already teased a lot of time already from the early 2021

And all of them was confirmed by game files or from some keo “word”, if we keep use this metod for know fast what are the next campaign,The only one with something already in the editor and game files is the battle of bulge because of the winter US uniforms

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i hope not

They just separated battlepass seasons from major updates with new levels, maps and mechanics.
Which is good, battlepass is no longer delayed, we are back to shorter seasons so more gold orders per year.
And devs have time to work on maps levels (mostly premiums :frowning: ) untill they are ready without artificial deadlines.

keo said they started to work on progression, which is good, i’d rather see some work to 6 campaigns we already have before another new one that splits playerbase again and makes grind for new players worse again


I keep hearing this term, but in the last four campaign releases I’ve yet to see this predicted dramatic drop in players per campaign that is implied. If anything new campaigns seem to help increase the player base

You propably play popular campaigns and at most busy hours.
Yeah there is tons of new people, most go play Normandy allies, You can see most matches there have low level allied team, and most of the time they get stomped by axis veterans.

Tunisia got balance swong so hard now it has nearly 0 allied playerbase.
Most people on stalingrad are walking xp pack for few guys running ppsh.
Berlin axis have active playerbase only when new content drops, another bot farm.
Moscow seems most healthy somehow.
Pacific is still fresh and already we had axis being stomped followed by allies being unplayabe due to balance changes.

Also hard to see dramatic drop in players when bots play better than most new guys