Battle pass

The only new thing about the battle pass is the painting of the same tanks from the previous passes ._.

After that, the vehicles and weapons are the same xD

Don’t the vehicles change in each battle pass? I actually played the in previous pass again so I don’t remember if the previous ones had anything different, but I could swear they didn’t.

Still, long live the puma.

No. I think they once gave us two Ha-Gos in a row.

and three/four panzer IV F2s :smirk:


What you don’t like Sleepy Joe camo?


Buying an m4 having a jumbo or m26 is like buying the puma having the king tiger xD

It’s having bullying guaranteed in BR5 hahaha

well, pumas are viable because those are br II.

m4a1s however… only if you get blessed by the soft rule
otherwise yeah. not ideal for the base matchmaking.

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The fact it’s usable only by TT British squad and not legacy squads.

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WHAT? Bull

This time the Elite BP gives us 3 gold weapon orders! I could get used to that.


It seemed like a small amount to me, but from your reaction it seems like the lottery xD

There were BP sessions when we only got 1 weapon GO so getting 3 is nice, It would be awesome if this became the norm.

I wish we could have universal gold orders. Maybe if i complain hard enough my Christmas wish will become real.