Battle Pass: Second Season of 2025

so do we have a chance to see a variant of this for the TT?
The Japanese absolutely need content especially in BR3 and this rifle would have been very useful and seeing an SA rifle in the BP for the third time is sad considering how many times it has been requested for the TT

It even worsth than the type 4 it load per strip

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Im curious why it takes so long for BR adjustments? (Changing a number).

Does the team that decides BRs have any practical experience with the equipment, or just paper theory?


Who knows :man_shrugging:

It took them literally just few hours to change opinion about the BR of weapon that’s going to be released tomorrow.



It tooks minutes for the rifle released tomorrow…

Meanwhile Boomerang plane is still br3 and a correction was requested months ago…



Thats what I mean. Merge is well and truly done, These BR changes should be updated monthly. Even if its just trialing, and putting back if necessary.

Theres so much stuff “obviously” out of place since merge


More drivel - completely useless for anyone who is reasonably advanced in the game.

This new BP format sucks - removing the ability to choose what rewards to receive is an awful decision.


So nothing exciting at all.

Not even one worthly prize? C’mon man, you really want to see us all gone for good.

See you in 35 or 40 days guys, this BP is a waste of time.


Agreed, the more the merrier :blush:

they dont believe its needed, simple as that

well for every new system BP, moving forward we only get three stuff that don’t use/maybe use for a span on a month. man that is some minimum amount stuff we are get for future package.

well on some level they dont agree with themselves. When some Items are not consistent in their placing with the rest.

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And this is supposed to be 900 gold… this is probably the worst battle pass. We had to extend the battle pass and wait an extra week for this? How exciting…!!!


They should just slow down johnsons reload so it doesnt look stupid and then put it in br 3


the fact that one of those hei 10 round could have gone to TT but didnt still baffle me to this day tbh and i didnt buy any of them

seriously who thought putting hei 10 round and late hei 10 round to GO was a good idea in the first place. (like i can understand 1 of those could be GO but 2? man)


well we’re 0/2 so far, I wouldn’t bet on it


no silly, a Battle Pass is 42 days long because its 35 days than it ceremonially gets extended with one week.


One question, if you don’t use up your Gold Cards before the Pass Shop is deleted, what kind of items will these Gold Cards be converted into at that time?

probably nothing, they will be gone.