Battle Pass: Second Season of 2025

That one is a fighter, though it does have 100kg bombs, one on either wing

Atleasth I hope it would not be just the skin because last bp it was feeling cheap to give that to player

Unfortunately I do believe it will only be skins from here on out with the vehicles in the battlepass. I believe in one of past battlepass news posts, someone asked and a community helper said they’d just be skins.

Praying that I’ll finally get one of the Japanese Squads I want this time

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Planes do not have option to apply camos (aka skins).


Not for the planes, they are independant BP vehicle just as before (bacause as of now, you cannot have plane skins I think)

But yes, tanks will most likely be cosmetic only.


Ah a pleasant surprise! Thank you.

Is it just me or…
That BP is by far the worst ever?

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What about the repeating rewards after you finish the battlepass?

Did they get updated? to have different rewards than just silver and boosters, like cosmetic orders or something??


are the servers down? I keep getting “login failed auth error” on steam

It’s in the works, not gonna be in that BP.


So it will be a 30 days BP?

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Any additions for Japan are always welcome! 15 rounds mags makes me even more excited! :star_struck:

If hino is br 3 then why wont you drop type 4 along with it? It is not worth br 4


Sadly, it’s the only semi-automatic rifle that uses 7.7mm.

On one hand, axis have g41 at br3.

On the other hand, Japan has type4 (g41 reskin) at br4…


  • Is balanss.

Why aren’t planes skins? and why first of planes don’t have skins? YOu now get a additional plane same one and it’s fully upgraded per gold order standard, WHAT is the point of having your Tech tree plane upgraded? It removes any incentive for upgrading your Vehicle from start, waste of resources, I remember since start this game thought it was idiotic design. Some factions/Vehicles you get a GO Vehicle ‘‘skin’’ and tada you needen’t waste resources and upgrade. It’s stupid design.
Here we need to make BP Vehicles Skins for the tech tree ones, and removes any duplicious vehicles that clutter vehicle slection for Crews.
While at it, I think whole system which vehicles go with which Crew should be changed cause your combos makes no sense in some cases.

I’m thinking something like this: German Squads Tanks for example
Tanker I squad can have panzer I, II and III tanks and variations.
Tanker II squad panzer III, IV and V
Tanker III panzer V, VI

double some there because you might wanna field combos i.e like early tech Squads panzer III together with panzer IV, late war panzer V and VI, since like panzer III and IV switch role early to late and depending of version or variation

In general more freedom to choose which Tank or Plane goes with which Squad.
Because now it’s restricted in a way that makes it hard to do nice combos both in terms of gameplay and historical.
and then you have idiotic things like that US Attacker Squad British plane in US Marine Squad. very idiotic and very much ruins immersion for us history affecionados.

As long as I can do my way of doing things liek how i wanna play, meaning as authethic to history as possible. make it make sense to me both historical and for fun gameplay.
For me I even go as far as take Squads that belong to the certain ‘‘Campaigns’’ and keep them outfitted with that campaings tech, staying true to uniforms, equipment gear, weapons and vehicles.
So for me I’d have so much more fun If I could move around vehicles to more my liking. meaning I would spend more time in game, more time wasting real money on your game, i mean that should be incentive for you… hello want some more money?

best of all would be if Squads and all with it was historical and a good autenthic representation from start but hey u know…

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That poor Johnson at BR4 is always forgotten while being as mid as the type 4

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I kinda like the John… but yes, it’s barely better than type 4 and G41. It got lighting fast reloading on coke… but still it’s no magazine reload (so still slower…)


It’s a relic of when Type 4 had extremely fast reload time.

I don’t understand at all what led DF to nerf that weapon before they added Type Hei Auto to the game. Since that was the only justifiable reason why the type 4 rifle wasn’t downgraded to BR3 in it’s current nerfed state.

It would have looked pretty bad. When more or less the most important weapon type line (rifle line) would end up at BR3 in the Japanese TT.

Overall, the incompetent decisions regarding the Japanese TT is really something.
Why didn’t they put one of those Hei rifles with 10 round mags in free progress? I still don’t get it.