I fucking warned people, I told them that the Halloween event was indicative of worse things to come. That sooner or later, we wouldn’t have control over what we could and couldn’t purchase if we didn’t shill out for the full pass. I called it but everyone else thought I was insane
welp theyre making this change for a reason most likely money wich i dont trust gaijin with monetization like not at all
A little, it will perform more like the M1 carbine imo and it will still be pretty bad to use in anywhere but short range, due to the base damage, although it still is a little rediculous. Due to the current battlerating system Br4 is a stretch as it only engages in uptiers (i think, if im wrong pls correct me lol).
the beatings monetization will continue until morale profits improve
" battle pass in a new format "
oh boy… where i have heard that one before…
it was shortened before.
but i guess not enough " things " to put, so, make it short when it comes to shorten the work related to it makes sense.
so… it gets shorter, but it costs the same.
mh, dunno about that.
wasn’t it like before?
i see.
nothing better than artificial scarcity uh…
do not like this one of one bit.
because for example, exclude players from getting valuable assets that others before could.
unique things, imo should be tied to cosmetics or titles / profiles.
things that do not affect the gameplay.
again, i don’t want to sound negative, but out of all the feedback people gave, the solution was to… shorten it?
anyway, as for the guns themselves, i’m sure someone will like them
personally, looking forward to get the ppsh45 and the chi-to.
anyway, speaking of battle pass things related
otherwise gold orders vehicles are still less " interesting " than they used to.
20 rounds but 12.6 dmg so it can never ohk vitality, it’s fine imo because of that
yea they sure did just like steam first release (if you know you know lol)
Oh dont get me wrong, I know damn well why they have done this, its sheer fucking scum tactics. Sadly I dont know if we can do anything to stop it. I suppose I’ll just drop a review wherever I can if it goes ahead.
It’s an improvement for paying players since we don’t need to hoard gold weapon orders for months just to get 4 weapons for our squad, and a bit of downgrade for f2p players since they can’t hoard gold orders and get something worthwhile later.
So what will happen to the gold orders from events and logging in? Are you going to replace them with gold or older gold order weapons from previous seasons?
do you really expect most br2 and br3 players to be running vitality? Stop with the power creep on BR3
Yap! This red- AXING player choice and FOMO mess is been marketed as an improvement! WTF???
This is gaslighting 101!
You missed ONE month and didn’t get the gun you wanted? GOOD #@%#% luck ever getting it now! The shop got demolished! Now you need to pray they put it in a random event next year…
Im well aware, its why I left WT in the first place, It will be a crying shame if this game does this because this is my H&G fix, nothing I can do about if they do however.
No, because they were releasing several different GO weapons per BP.
F2P players weren’t guaranteed to get at least one copy of each weapon just by doing BP.
They blew up the forum XD
Just a shame they wont do anything because of it, Id say this is already in the barrel ready to be shot right into out faces.
Honestly i would rather them to keep gold orders and keep bringing back old GO weapons in rotation every month in current shop, while obviously feature new gun as the main new reward.
I like new quicker season with same or more rewards so that idea can stay.
Someone returning in a year to enlisted only to see all his unspent gold orders disappeared.
Lmao great change, really outgaijined yourselves
wasn’t it like before?
No, because this means you can get all the content in a new BP, while before you had 2-3/16 weapons, 2/4 soldiers (1 from rank rewards) & 1-2/4 vehicles, so you still had to spend ~14k gold if you wanted to get everything
But with the new BP format you can get everything it has
Someone returning in a year to enlisted only to see all his unspent gold orders disappeared.
They will be turned into 10k silver just like squads that people sold
yea im sure there will be plenty of those topic in the future