Battle of the Atlantic

In early September 1939, one of the longest campaigns of World War II began - the Battle of the Atlantic.

Unable to gain an advantage over the Allies on the surface, Germany instead adopted wolfpack tactics. Relying on small and maneuverable units of submarines, the German navy aimed at disrupting Allied supply lines. For a long time, this tactic terrified Allied convoys.

However, war is a period of rapid technological development, and starting from April 1943, Germany began to lose its strategic advantage. Radars, the decryption of the Enigma code and air superiority helped the Allies gain full control of the ocean, leading to the almost complete destruction of the Kriegsmarine by May 1945.

From September 10th (13:00 UTC) to September 16th (13:00 UTC), you can get rewards for completing tasks.

For completing 5 out of the 12 tasks, you will receive a unique decal for British aircraft, for 7 completed tasks, a unique decal for German aircraft, and for 9 tasks, an order that you can use to buy a unique British or German melee weapon!


Phase 1 (September 10th – September 12th):

  • Kill 80 enemies.
  • Destroy 4 vehicles.
  • Kill 50 enemies using a bolt-action rifle.
  • Complete 5 battles.

Phase 2 (September 12th – September 14th):

  • Kill 10 enemies using a pistol.
  • Kill 30 enemies with headshots.
  • Kill 10 enemies using grenades.
  • Complete 5 battles.

Phase 3 (September 14th – September 16th):

  • Build rally points and deploy APCs that will be used 30 times.
  • Kill 10 enemies with artillery strike.
  • Kill 60 enemies using a machine gun.
  • Complete 5 battles.


  • The tasks can be completed in the Squads mode.
  • The list of tasks is updated every two days at 13:00 UTC.
  • Tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Uncollected rewards will disappear when the tasks change.
  • From September 16th to September 18th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards.

Never enough swords. Or unique decals, and those are neat!

Nice lil event!


Themed rewards for both factions involved? and all of them are good too!
Finally a perfect event, good job guys keep it up!


Another German sword for my collection… excellent :smiling_imp:


Only one saber :slightly_frowning_face:


Why aren’t there any tasks for kills with planes? Wouldn’t they be more fitting?

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It would be more fitting to bomb submarines.

But here we are :smile:


Atlantic, not Britain.
Battle of the Atlantic did involve many aircraft but most of it was fought between battle ships or submarines and light ships.

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I just love this format of events. :purple_heart:


Half the tasks are for infantry gameplay.


Because again, there’s no submarines or ships in Enlisted…


better no, whews

swords,swords, swords : )

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Arado AR 196 is typically seen with 3./Bordfliegergruppe 196 decal


well more decal you know what that mean VK (i will make more nightmare for you that what i mean)

Nice but imagine if all the recent events would actually involve some gameplay!?

  • Manchuria: 2 weeks of Japan vs USSR testing
  • Kursk: 2 weeks of 5v5 tank slots allowed between Germany and USSR at BR 1-3
  • Atlantic: 2 weeks of naval combat testing

anyway pretty cool lucky it pop up before my match end so i accidentally did one of the quest nice

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a shame it’s not in the game…

( but eh… probably wouldn’t be a great airplane for low br either )


Please change these kind of tasks to something that doesn’t make the players abandon the objective and just hunt those silly pistol/melee kills :pray:t2:

but being in the objective, is the best way to achieve these 10 pistols and what not.

just hide behind a corner, and melee / pistol in the head your opponent.

if it’s a player, just reposition your self. and do it until he will get tired and throw grenades.
which if he does, it’s the best time to strike and push.
chances of dying can be higher, but it’s always rewarding seeing them panik