That fluffy snow makes me want to be there.
I want to bring in syrup and eat it as shaved ice.
We can eat as many cups as we want for free.

Nice, yellow snow.
Did you just discriminate against Asians…???
No, it just reminded me dog piss snow.
think you just put me off pineapple flavor, snow cones now
No problem. In my country we eat dog.
this thread escalated quickly in less than 6 comments.
i think that’s a new record.
since when the russian people eat japanese people?
actually, i forgot, you’re not actually russian.
somewhere around. correct?
actually, i don’t wanna know it.
In addition to dogs, they also eat whales. They are my favorite food.
It’s late, you asked.
One word - Bear.
( if it’s not… )
i’m too westerner to know the bear meme. … or bear at all
( i say " meme " because of bears we only get memes since… they are kinda everywhere )
You too westerner which don’t even know common western stereotypes. Or I’m too banal.
Than it’s Tiger.
don’t know.
tigers are also everywhere.
gotta be more specific
I’m not talking about Deutsche ones.
well. either russia, or chine.
am i wrong?
is there another country that i’m missing?
could be. there are 180+ or something so…
but that’s fine. i don’t need to know it.
Same mistake xD
Mainly Russia.
Best country in the world and most democratic.
Enough to take down whole Korea and Japan.
Bye have a nice day, that’s end.
Are Russian bears good at typing? Interesting.
Erika apparently protested the Russian bear joke for us. Thanks.