Battle of Aachen campaign?

I have a very dumb idea, how about we have the battle of aachen campaign? it would expand more on volkssturm units/uniforms and cool maps…uhh yeah


I dont think we need any more western front maps. Soviets still need some maps for high br that arent urban combat and japan and soviets need their campaign



you had me there

but unfortunately, i do feel like it’s not a priority.


New maps are really needed at the moment, not necessarily because there aren’t enough but they lack in variety.
US and Japan need more urban maps, USSR and Japan needs a campaign in which they fight eachother, there is also need for a campaign on the Eastern Front between Berlin and Stalingrad.

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yeah like kursk maybe

I really wanna see free civilian clothes for volksturm units in berlin

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they did exist, but then gaijin removed the premium volkssturm squad…

I know thats why i said free
