"Battle for the Reichstag" (conquest)

Finally, after 6 months of work, I finished my second major mod - “The Battle for the Reichstag". And I want to say a huge thank you to @Devenddar for helping me create the mod. If not for his help, you would have seen my map only in the fall.
Also many thanks to @118645616 for creating a teaser for the map


You could also see an early version of the map on Praetorian’s stream

I tried to make the premises historically authentic, so looking through the photos, you can find these places on my map.




Well, in general, if someone is interested, then you can look, equalize, I tried to recreate closer to the photos.

However, there is something in the Reichstag that is not historical. This is the main hall. In general, I did everything beautifully, filmed the trailer, and then I remembered that the Reichstag burned down in 1933 and like this…

But … in theory, the hall could look like this, and it turns out it is partly historical.

Hall of the Weimar Republic


After it burned down, rare meetings began to be held at the Kroll Opera.

Well, 1 + 1 =

In general, that’s all.

The map can be downloaded on the Enlisted mods portal:
https://sandbox.enlisted.net/post/cTm70GxEAsfhoGvl/ 6

https://sandbox.enlisted.net/post/FowC2kTDiErLtyRz/ (Lone Fighters)

In the future I will update the map, maybe I will add Easter eggs, and the light would not hurt.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who supported me (and sponsored me))

Developers and administration:
Since I have done this great work not alone, if the card gets into the digest, then I ask you not to give me a reward in the form of a golden application, as it will not be fair. Either everyone or no one.

That’s exactly it now)

Original topic:


very impressive and detailed :+1:





I will Def try this one.

Good job.


Good work man. 6 months of gathering references and building the mod solo, the dedication alone is impressive enough.



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A fierce CQB battle is in the making. A wonderful piece of work.

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Good Job

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@124138805 @118645616
Some choke points in general need to be considered. Easy to farn AI at the moment.

Espically since the enemy enters from predictable directions (if they don’t have any rallies).

Usually, you made a good decision to create a grey zone around windows. However, not all windows are “protected” by grey-zone. This should be implemented to prevent farming new spawns outside the building itself.

Also: bots get stuck here and are easy farms:

Amazing mod btw. Very impressed by what you did. And the response from players I’ve played with is the same. Good job comrades!

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