Battle for Moscow Missions (stage 1) - FEEDBACK

In this topic, we kindly ask you to share your thoughts about new missions in the Battle for Moscow campaign. Tell us what you liked and what you want to see improved.

Stage 2 FEEDBACK please go to this post:

“Avangard” Collective Farm (Conquest)

Birch Grove (Conquest)

Pokrovskoye City (Assault)

Game modes:

  • Conquest - mode where you fight over control for a number of strategic points simultaneously.
  • Invasion - mode where you need to win a series of strategic points one-by-one.
  • Assault - mode where you need to take control over strategic sectors (groups of points) one after another.

Today we will add some new missions.

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My favorite Moscow Mission is “Avangard” Collective Farm (Domination)
The map is bright, the train is a cool detail, and AI plays ok there, doesn’t get much stuck.
Although those holes on the map need a fix, vehicles like BA-11 get stuck there and can’t move out.

Birch Grove(Domination) I didn’t liked that much, I prefer day operations, besides the B point is a mess to capture or defend, it’s a killing spot literally, with arty, grenades or even build AA.
The mountain there is the perfect spot for campers to stay, which I don’t like much.

Pokrovskoye Village (Assault) is a good overall map, lots of actions going on, balancing is ok too, but i wish it was bigger to have more maneuver options.

In my opinion, there should be more cover on streets, like sandbags already there, not ones done my enginner squad. And bots should know where is the cover and get there, instead of sitting in middle of the street or fields.

Can’t wait to try new missions, GG.


Birch Grove is small but you really feel it when you play, there is few houses but i feel like there is not much things to do.
My BA-11 just goes rampage by circling around few house road killing entire squad, i think a bit wider map would be nice.
For the other map i share the opinion of @Skr13 but Pokrovskoye Village is my favorite because i like dense urban fighting

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I still feel like 10vs10 players is too small number. We should at least try 15vs15 or 20vs20 (maybe also bigger maps). Despite the small size of the maps, they feel empty, especially on domination mode. I know that in the game there’s about five or six times more soldiers in battle but majority of it is AI, either hidden or following the player, they’re not autonomous. Moreover, bots aren’t that reliable and if one players is fast enough, he can kill entire squad in the matter of seconds.

About the maps themselves…

I think my favourite map is Pokrovskoye Village, in spite of the emptiness problem I mentioned earlier. It could have more points to capture because if one team is good, match can end in like ten minutes. Another problem is first point placed too close to the enemy. I had many cases where enemies started capturing the point before we even managed to get there. Maps looks good and has nice flow though.

“Avangard” Collective Farm.
Same problem as earlier. We need more independent players. Capture points are in my opinion well designed, they provide cover and are well placed. I also feel like that this map could have one or two more capture points. Maybe in the barn, seen in the picture in the first post (on the left).

Birch Grove.
Also same problem, but I think this map suffers the most from it. It small but also empty. There isn’t much to do or go.

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I liked this one in that the points where not very choky, so you had a lot of pushing back and forth and a lot of action. Artillery impact holes and trenches proved troublesome for tanks to traverse, and the capture point A has ladders that posed issues for AI, as they can not climb ladders. Also, the buildings in the middle provide a camping spot to shoot into the north spawn. There is no such spot for the south spawn, giving the south a slight advantage

Birch Grove
Extremely choky points made it very hard to contest points without grenades. If an engineer squad blocks the windows, the A and C points can become essentially uncontestable.B gives no option to approach other than the trench, making engagements stale and repetitive there as there is only 1 direction to really defend from. Also around B you can not push forward to create a buffer between the capture point and the defense line as there is the map border.

Favorite map of them all for me. I love to have verticality and hope to see more 3-4 story high buildings. Some roofs could be accessed as well with a little bit of parcour.

MG13 & some MG34 models shown as MG42 in weapon costum UI

“Avangard” Collective Farm (Domination)
Definitely a fairly intresting map. There’s a few bugs with the AI that I’ve already posted a report. Some of the carriages have a slightly bugged placement for engineers and you can place “ghost sandbags” where the bottom part of the sandbags exist visually but physically dont. Placable AA pieces on top of the train carts was a nice touch and enabled defensive plays.
Birch Grove (Domination)
The map got stale pretty quick with a fairly fixed meta of light vehicles roaming around A and C while trench combat with some sniping happening at B. There was a lot of combat over the river as the team which had recently finished capturing B would move their squad to whichever cap was not captured for their team. Most of the combat around A and C happened outside and rarely inside. There is a point on the map where (with direction from a squadmate) where you can make the area between A and C a no-man’s land with a well placed AA piece.
Pokrovskoye City (Assault)
Probably the most balanced map from the three, although the initial and final caps seem to be biased (specially the initial) towards whichever side it’s closest to. Could use a 2nd capture point on the initial cap to split the Russian and German forces. Armoured Combat worked okay here with a few flanking points and some open corridors to allow some longer range shots.

Are we still getting these new missions today? It’s 8PM in Moscow, definitely past working hours.

“Avangard” Collective Farm (Domination)
I like this map and how the battles develop, the map ilumination is good and is dinamic,
but, it fells repetitive,
The reason is simple, spawn points, always while playing in this map , i ended up knowing the exact spot where the enemy is going to come to the diferent points, making the tactic as simple as using a MP40 and spray in that direction even without seeing anything you can kill a lot of bots/players.
The capture points, are in good positions making you to work your way in the battle to gain control over them , its funny and has a good felling
Birch Grove (Domination)
this maps gives to the player the correct felling of caos running in a battlefield, you somethimes dont know where the enemy is firing from, and every one is all over the place,
the church is too dark , the rest of the map fells good, talking about the trech zone is the most caotic place to be.
Pokrovskoye City (Assault)
This is my 2nd favorite map and game mode,
the initial stage of the battle fells like a invation , its not that hard to capture the 1st capture point,
the game mode is easy to understand,
the principal street of the map is a carnage , and can be hard to capture A and B at the same time,
the last stage fells boring, for the same problem i said in the first map, Spawn points, is predictable from were the enemy is going to come and is repetitive, making points easy to defend just spraying and praying a sub-machinegun

should be more Invasions, i really enjoy this gamemode
and more urban maps

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I don’t have any problems with the maps, i think they could be a bit wider but most of the time it is convenient to play on these maps, other thoughts: the Ai is a bit strange often pushes me when I am aiming and block me when I try to shoot down an enemy, sometime the enemy AI is hyperactive for example: I jumped out my tank because one guy remained and moved into a house. i went to the 1st floor and I saw an enemy squed running across the street I started shooting them and suddenly all of the AI’s turned to me and they shot me down instantly without aiming. Other: the german panzer III b is suffering against the soviet BA-11 the BA is better armored,faster,faster reloading and it has better armor penetration, don’t mention the BA could kill the panzer IIIB form anywhere while the PanzerIIIB can’t kill it from the front and sometimes if you shoot a BA-11’s side some magic bounce happen and the BA turn to you and kill instantly. The buildings are nice but there are some problems: you can jump in the house but often you can’t yump out from the house, the ladders working strange sometimes when I try to climb a ladder in a house my character suddenly starts jerking, and sometimes I die because someone shot me down trough the house but the killcam shows no one and the house is wide enough to stop the normal bullets, these are a bit strange but mostly the game is ok. oh and I’d like to mention: it would be good if we got more often weapon delivery and new soldiers.

I do like all the maps, I highly enjoy invasion as it brings back “Breakthrough” gamemode memories from Battlefield V.

hello I noticed that the artillery fire by the radio operator tends to hit a bit at the back of the place requested, is it normal or a possible bug?

absolutely love Avengard, although some of the craters are bit large on the german side, i’ve gotten my little pz3 stuck in them all too often.

i’ve also noticed the artillery firing alot closer than the target, would this be because the radio operator is level one, and its just to show that his inexperienced?.

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“Avangard” Collective Farm (Conquest) should have more house buildings, in this state there are few housed in the middle, three stables on north, one on south and a railway station
i suggest you add more houses and make farm bigger

Birch Grove (Conquest) is a perfect map, exactly what i wanted… maybe add some trenches on the other side of the village?

Pokrovskoye City (Assault) the map is fine as it is, except of some very keen camping locations

maybe add a way for tanks to cross the trench in all maps?