BAR premium squad

A few months ago, DF offered a premium BAR 1918 squad for level 3, which made absolutely zero sense being that there was nothing special about a level 3 squad carrying the “BASE” BAR! Not to mention the inflated price and only a 5 member squad. :roll_eyes:

May I suggest that you re-offer that squad, but at level 2? At level 2, it “would be a special squad”, even carrying the worst of the BAR’s family base 1918 gun. One squad at level 2 is not going to shift the balance of power, just as the Thompson level 2 squad you offered didn’t either, but it would give Allies at least one squad where they don’t have to carry that gay Bren gun.

IDK, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense to offer a “special squad” that is actually special, then offer a “special squad” that is NOT special, as it never was special at level 3. I never considered buying it at level 3, but would (even though your price was extreme) consider buying it at level 2. :wink:

Another idea. Slap a 40 or 50 round mag to a BAR 1918A2 and offer it as a special squad? I’m sure if made, it wouldn’t be level 3 but even a level 4 or 5 squad as that wouldn’t matter since it would be booted up to a level 5 match anyway. Either way, i would still use it.

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I think they should drop the first tt bar down to br 2. I dont like using brens for americans and the gun aint that good. Germans have zb 26 and mg 13 while japan has type 97. Soviets have that horrendous madsen that should be buffed

The squad use the TT version of the 1918 who is BR3, for do what you say the gun should be dropped in BR2

I would love to see the Base 1918 dropped to level 2 in the tech tree, however I don’t see the DEV’s doing that. So my proposal was for them to drop that “Special Squad” they offered a few months ago with the Base 1918 to level 2. The Base 1918 is terrible compared to the 1918A2, as the recoil is so much worse, which is why I don’t think it would be a bad level 2 gun since it is basically a throw a way level 3 gun once you get the A1 and A2.

Im pretty sure BR is hard coded to guns, so for do what you ask the squad should receive another Bar 1918 reworked for BR2 and with another name

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Yeah, that would work, and if they don’t want to put one in the tech tree, they could do it with a premium squad. They did it effectively with the Thompson, and I bought the squad and use it if I play 1-3, along with the 4 Thompson 1929’s I bought from the BP which were all BR2 weapons.