Bad soviet gear

In moscow. Why soviet assault (NKVD) group have officers coat with private insignia and service caps? I think private units nkvd was private coat obr.38 or obr.41 Soviet pouches for 2 grenades is postwar version for infantry it must be rgd33 pouches and for crew АБТ pouch for 3pieces F1 or rg42 pouch. Belts on private soldier Lend&lease garrison belt on 1941 not good idea.

Ps: if you would like advice write.


their unfoirms are dope as fuck though


is the same question we asked ourselves when seeing German uniforms in tunisia
The answer


thank god they chanegd the assaulters but you gotta move em in and out which has resulted into me shouting racial slurs and change the uniforms to my team mates


I know it’s not 100% historical but these guys defintley have the coolest uniforms in the game!


I must say no, because I have red army uniforms from this period. Red army complete gear for 1941 with Y straps (ljamky), haversack/product bag, small infantry shovel, 2pc obr.37 pouchs for mosin (with svt one for magazines and one obr.37) rifle or ppd/ppsh pouches, rgd33 pouch, obr.32 canteen, gasmask bag and obr.36, obr.39 or obr.41 thats coolest then it.

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Soviet Moscow MG squad uniforms are one of the best uniforms in the game and if only assaulters can have the option to wear those as well.

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I like equipment soviet airborne in Vyazma operation I think this is more better for assault squad than nkvd uniforms.

Seeing these photos alongside some Soviet war movies make me think that the assaulters should’ve got the uniforms and ushankas instead of rear line NKVD officer uniforms that do stand out compared to the other uniforms even the MG squads.

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Dev has once slightly correct most uniforms. But still miles away from nearly real uniforms. It just likes most other game “overall looks semi real”. Which really dosent standout at realism among other similar FPS.
Hope they can correct the game when custom appearance arrived.

At least, such threads keep flying and flying into the light of day. It would be hard to believe dev’s would ignore that, because without wanting to expand, I can only say that I no longer pay attention to the complete uniform tragedy in the game. (in a sense, for me personally, it destroys the sense of immersive reality in squads). I’m just waiting for news from the developers on this topic.

Ps. I could donate to the whole dev team a great book from my collection for Christmas. Maybe things would move faster :smiley:

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A much more fitting uniform for Moscow assaulter just like the airborne ones.

This is afterwar poloshubok/bekesha but war variant bekesha is good alternative for officer’s. Coat obr.38(35),obr.41, vatnik/telogrejka obr.32, obr.41 or bushlat is better.

Let alone the spam of German para uniforms.