Bad player build wires at resurrection point

He keeps building wires at resurrection point

replay files:


I suspect that he’s not a noob if he knows all of the spawn points are and is leaving barbed wire there. I’d bet he’s griefing (trying to ruin other people’s fun).


This unhealthy play should be punished
Including TK, malicious use of iron wire, etc.

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One word for such noob engineers… SUBNORMAL!

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But why…is he a traitor, working for the other team?


Some people genuinely get joy in ruining other people’s fun.

I have encountered a handful of these people and I just end up following them with my engineer squad, dismantling everything they put and calling out their names in chat for people to report post game.

Most of the time they either leave or spend the match typing to me which is really funny.


Could the Dev’s make it so, that you can’t build wire around a spawn point? If they can, problem solved :+1:

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I once saw a dude who dismanteled my ammo box…whyyyyyy??? :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Wants to steal my engi score or something?

Sounds really a good idea!

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yes he is i have seen people like this

edit: even i once want to join russian stalingrad just to kill everyone since im farming axis there but i didnt do it cause it a waste of my time

also yes people are sometime desperate for those point or they just grief

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I once saw a dude who dismanteled my ammo box…whyyyyyy??? :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Wants to steal my engi score or something?

I had that happen way back during an older event, dude just running around destroying boxes and replacing them. The event required ammo box to be used specifically. So probably not an ass generally, just getting desperate lol

To the main point, I remember on airfield someone filling the German spawn in the bunker with wire. Every time I cleared it, it was there again on respawn. I always wondered if they had someone on the other team (or their main account) trying to get pistol kills or something. Just low

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