Bad news for my fellow germany enjoyer friends :( (Leaked battlepass vehicles)

Hello comrades!

These are 2 out of the 4 battlepass vehicles. Sadly, the germans do get a nice camouflage, but for their not really too much loved tank.

Soviets Berlin: IS-1 “Guards”

Germans Berlin: Panther G “Spartarnstrich”

They are both not bad, but i think the soviet one does not look that special since the used decals are the ones from a previous event. The german one, Panther G, does look really nice, but it is not really the tank the community wished for…

I think it would have been great if both of them would have gotten their IS-2 and Tiger II skins.


Helper already showed us.

IS skin is pretty lame as well. Just reused event decal + plus some numbers.

Very lazy skins (or I could say last ditch skins) overall this season.


free IS though

and the panther unironically, has somewhat of a good camo.


I agree. But all I see is good looking classic camo worth 250g + number decal.
And now it’s golden order vehicle for 1200g next BP season.
What a shameless joke. No effort was done.

It’s very much understandable why they didn’t show it in official news blog.


yeah… not to brag, and i don’t want to sound rude, but even i could come up with something slighlty better:

( i still have to figure out how to place decals )

although, yeah bp vehicles are not cool as they used to be like the panther from berlin, or… i guess the m5 rhino


Wasn’t the m5 Rhino a special event vehicle (with supposedly better shells?) :thinking:

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it is.

but what i meant is, they don’t make good vehicles like the panther and rhino where has both " special " camouflages and decorations.

not many have those beside some old premium vehicles, and few battlepass vehicles.


Yep, it wasn’t BP. But it doesn’t matter. Pacific BP Stuart is ver decent skin. (For that reason it’s going to be removed lmao)



I just wasn’t certain anymore, it’s been a while for the Rhino. (Love the vehicle however).

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How can you judge them for being lazy? This was a great piece of work by the staff over the course of 75+7 days. After all, they’ve claimed that the various previous tables were only edited in spurts, and that some of the bugs had only just been fixed, and that there were still some bug fixes that hadn’t taken effect.
Of course, aside from the April Fool’s Day event, that’s the only thing worth praising.
From December 2022, or from February 2023


it has censored N@zi flag, ofcourse I will waste my valuable gold order on it

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Panther in Berlin sucks in anti tank fights, yet its commander MG is nice to have.

Since the merge is happening and they rock for some reason against US vehicles it is clearly not a useless tank camo, looks actually pretty nice.

Let alone the fact that the guards badge was mostly used post war during parades

In ww2 guards regiments had other tactical insignia


it’s not really leaked since the battle pass was reset.

While I do think it would be better if Gold Order Vehicles were overhauled into unique vehicles just like Gold Order weapons, and perhaps it will one day, I’m just saying I will continue to get Gold Order vehicles because hey at least they’re a nice skin

For now……

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Did it have APHE or just better penetration values?



Now I want it.

Oh well I can still pop pumas well.

With battle rating, it won’t be as necessary.

I used my Rhino to explode pz4… Normally it’s a bit… risky to do so. But my lil Rhino, is a lil Rhino that could!

With war thunder br conversion however, lil Stuart most likely won’t face many pz4. So regular one will be perfect enough.

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Its fun humiliating players who have better tanks than yours.