"Bad armor quality" trait

As for the armour rng, i dont mind poor armour being modeled or degradation, but i do hate RNG, leaves you feeling like you got screwed (funny since i just said i liked jamming)

Id rather it is or it isnt bad quality.

But for arguments sake if it was added, poor quailty ammunition would be next

It would just add some “unknown, wtf factor” to the game, would also make ppl think twice before zerging without cover…

Maybe wed see crazy moments just like in old CoD2. there was no jamming, but when 2 ppl met and emptied their weapons, reloading was too long, so they both switched to their pistols, missed and ended up battling with melee.

good times

Also need a perk to throw your helmet at them :stuck_out_tongue:


Alongside some country ammunition having about 30% failure chance and we have a deal

No thanks. Im not a fan of rng or dispersion. Also why would it need to be easier high tier will be vs high tier. People need to practice where to shoot in test range more.

1.I don’t think it’s a good idea
2.How you properly visualize this to player, he should be warned that he have his tank not in prime condition.
3.Plus this chance should be applied on all tanks, not only on a few, for balance reasons, so it’s quite a lot of work and revision of tank armor parameters.



The whole point is to not do this.

Excactly the oposite. Only a few tanks should have this. Thats the point.

I have a feeling you read my idea and instead of following it you created your own interpretation you dislike. No offence.

I see ppl doing this from time to time. Instead of reading what is wrote they create their own interpretation based on fears and prejudice. What is natural I guess.

And we can see it here. I wrote it will apply to maybe 6 tanks as a gimic and ppl are complaining as if every tank would be affected.

Then it’s simpler yes, but it’s kinda answers your question, 6 tanks is not so much to do a such mechanic, would be lost a lot of time (imo ofc), when devs working on merge rn.
Anyway, i pass this suggestion, but it’s devs decision to implement this mechanic… or not to.


Well, this idea is not anywhere near being a priority. More like “maybe after 2 years from now, when devs are bored” kind of thing.

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It’s funny, but it’s easy to implement your mechanics differently. Make it part of the tank upgrade. A 3-star tank has reduced armor, a 6-star tank gets normal armor.

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