Axis BR3 fighter Plane - suggest and reason please

I am looking for a good BR3 plane with bomb(s), I usually equip the CN Premium fighter, but I find when I get Normandy I struggle as it’s so slow.

I like the FW A4 but no bombs, the IAR is already in my BR2 presets, still slow tbh. So currently I use the 109F2, but I do find the plane suffers from compression quite easily with diving to attack.

Please feel free to discuss, but honestly unless A4 gets bombs, I think there is a lack of a decent BR3 plane for Axis.

Let’s discuss below, be nice :saluting_face::guardsman:


This is a good topic for discussion. I myself only play attacker planes for the Germans on BR3 (BF110 are just my hearties). As I was not impressed by any BR3 German fighter plane.

So I’m honestly curious to see what the people come up with.

Hmm Thinking about it, I never used BR3 Fighters for Germany, usually using BR1 and BR2, mostly the F2 and the premium E7/U2.

Why can’t you just use the IAR in both?

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The only decent European Axis fighter plane with bombs on BR3 was supposed to be the Fiat G.55 series 0, but that was moved to BR4 for no good reason at all just before the merge.


Having to use BR 1 fighter in BR 3 just feels so odd.
Maybe they could move the G6 down or at leased give some payload to the trop version of the 109.


The FW A4 isn’t that bad even without bomb you still have 4x20mm and 2 mg. Can be used for light tank and apc and it’s a okay fighter

Are the BF110 planes no option for you?
They are great and fun to play (the 37mm auto cannon paired with 30mm guns are pure joy in some cases!)

Not a fighter plane my dude.

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Too slow, or feels too slow to me…

Yes…but, it’s a heavy fighter.

I guess there is no other option for BR3. He should try them out.

As long as they take the attacker slot there is little reason to bring those up in a discussion about the fighters that are useable in BR 3.

Faster than the Dauntless I can tell you that much. Lol. Try making that switch, I swear it’s incredible
As for how fast it really is, I don’t know man seems fine to me

I’ll go one better than Dauntless, AP1 :wink:

Based on comments so far I’ll stick with F2, would prefer A4 as I love that plane but no bombs is a big disadvantage imho

There are none.

That’s why I’m mad when the game keeps powercreeping with weird crap when BR3 aviation for half the nations is kinda cringe.

And now that the aircraft cannons seem severely nerfed on their AP almost none of the “BR3” axis fighters are good for much of anything

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Well lets hope the Devs are reading this and either tweak existing or give us new toys!

@James_Grove Hello, maybe you could read this and pass feedback on to Devs please mate? We need better BR3 choice

The 109 trop is underrated and honestly the best fighter axis has in br 3. If you use this, you will win dogfights…

But… the problem is…

It got no bombs whatsoever. So it’s only usable as a pure fighter when the enemy team spam planes a little too much.

I still use it though. With the 110 as attacker. There’s no real good middle ground for br3.


If you’re looking for something for pure air to air and are a decent pilot the 190s. You can outturn things for like one turn before you fall out of the air.

The G-6 should be BR3 and the F-4 really needs bombs just like the lower tier 190s. But since this isn’t so, F-1 is definitely my pick. The F-2 isn’t bad either but the 15mm is unbelievably underpowered. For that reason I’d even choose the E-7/U2 over the F-2. And I’m personally not a fan of the IAR but it’s probably the most popular solely because it carries a 250kg. I see this plane all the time even in high tier.