Awful gamemodes and terrible team balancing = bad experience for everybody playing

With the event score resetting today, I logged in and grinded the next 20,000xp.
The gamemodes were:

First and foremost, the only gamemode I want to play is Invasion.
Meanwhile, I’m being forced to play destruction (which I don’t like), assault (which isn’t fun when teambalancing is broken), and conquest (is a joke).

And if it isn’t the gamemode that’s a turnoff, it’s the horrendous matchmaking/team-balancing

First: Bots + unbalanced teams = 10 minute speed-run

Second: Conquest. no thanks. It’s a good thing I deserted, because the team balancing would have been a steamroll (thus saving me from wasting my time).

Third: if we could see the other team’s rank, the outcome of this match could have easily been predicted.

Fourth: Lucifer666blitz (sweat lord) had 24 squad deaths = which is roughly 120-168 soldier deaths. This dude was zerg spamming the entire match (which probably wasn’t fun for the other team).

Fifth: Players abandoning Destruction mode + unbalanced teams = 12 minute speed run

Sixth: I deserted because my team was composed of new players, and also because I was placed in another match of destruction. It’s a good thing because the teams were majorly unbalanced.

Seventh: BaLanCinG iSn’T a tHiNG.

Eighth: bAlnCiNg Isn’T A ThINg.

Ninth: BaLanCinG iSn’T a tHiNG.

Tenth: bAlAnCinG

Eleventh: Not interested in playing with a team that’s entirely composed of new players (or bots).

Twelfth: Steel Mill is overplayed. And also not interested in playing with new players/bots.

Thirteenth: Steamrolling

In summary:
My suggestion is to implement a mechanic that allows players to choose which game-modes they want to play.
For example: Having a drop-menu that displays each mode with a Check-box that players can select/deselect :white_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check:

By doing this, the developers can eliminate/reduce a large population of players who entirely abandon matches because of the game-mode alone.

And fix the matchmaking/balancing/instant-match-joining. FFS it’s a joke.

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There is no Teambalacing nor matchmaking. That is the point of the merge, to introduce a new form of balancing and creating a matchmaking with no more bots.

I also hope that they will introduce a way to select gamemode preference. So many people desert Conquest that there is almost no point of playing it anyway.


Time will tell, and we will see.

It won’t be difficult for high skilled players to equip their squads with low BR gear, and to continue preying on the new players.

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Still better than doing the same thing with top tier equipment.

But yeah, will have to wait and see what happen exactly.


That’s why we need treshold for being able to do events. Players shouldn’t be available to do events on low BRs exactly as in WT or pretty much any other similar game.

They simply shouldn’t be rewarded by any means for playing low BRs.

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I haven’t ever played WT, but I agree with you.

In WT that Threshold is rank III equipment. Similar condition could easily be applied to Enlisted since the new progression will also have ranks in addition to BR.

This is one of the reasons why I don’t like the BR and think it’s convoluted. What am I suddenly a low tier player just because I equip the majority of my Germans with their standard issue bolt action. Or what if I just happen to feel like playing with the MP 28

Of course you will be able to do that.

In War Thunder there is a Threshold for event because they don’t want top player to seal club new player. In war Thunder there is a lot of event vehicle at low tier that can be absurdly good, paired with the fact that people facing you in low tier would be mostly new player, it would be easy to just play low tier Meta Tank and destroy dozens of vehicle in low tier, making the event really easy.

You can always play with mp28 and not play low BR. Your whole setup isn’t only about one weapon. And until merge, mp28 could easily face federov. So it’s not like anything would change for you.

I do think all veterans can do well with low br stuff on mid BR as well. :man_shrugging: There’s no real reason why they should be rewarded for seal clubbing on low BR.

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As I’ve been saying, all I can do is wait for the major update and see how this BR and all that develops. Maybe my issues beforehand will disappear, or maybe it will have to be further tweaked and worked on. This game is a working process anyway

We’ll just have to see

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Yeah we don’t know much right now, we will have to wait for dev server.

I hope the new players will be giving a sacred space. No veteran should be allowed to play against fresh-installs at lowest BR level(s).

If experienced players want to play with starter gear, fine, but let them face other players with more battles under their belt.


If veteran are allowed to played against new player, these are likely to get obliterated without any fun, making them quiting the game almost instantly.


That’s already a thing btw. :stuck_out_tongue:

± 2 first matches new player is playing against extremely bad bots. They’re basically not even shooting. It’s extremely hilarious.

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So like normal bots?

No, even worse. Way worse.

I used all my ammo in t-70 in very first match, having at least 200 kills. It was just extremely surrealistic experience.


Yeah, I know, but tbf there will be no need for that after the merge.
And I hope they extend the sacred period of games without involving the top experienced players.

First 10-15 battles only against other fresh installs/players with less 50 games in total.

I hope so. Because it was imho way worse impression than getting wrecked by nolifers.
I literally thought this game is completely dead and it’s going to be like this nonstop.

yeah, every week you see posts like this on reddit:

“Game is too easy” or
“No players in this game” or
“I’m so good, look at my first game!”


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