As many of you know, there are several versions of this weapon in the game and as you know I hate the Soviets, but that doesn’t exempt me from even giving the faction I hate the most concepts to add to the game. Today, in this case, I’m here to talk about the AVT rifle. In the game we have several versions, but there’s a version missing with a 20-round magazine that could be an event weapon or a gold order weapon, or even a premium one…
If it gets the russian side to stop crying about not having a 20 round AVT,I’m all for it
I agree, in fact I hope that they also receive an event APC together with Japan
Japan also needs premium/event guerilla squad. They are currently the only faction with just 1 guerilla squad
japan needs AT weapon above br2 more than any APC
Captured bazooka
Can we stop diverging into fictional weapons for Japan? The Type 4 launcher already has a very sketchy history with confirmed instances only seen in China and the Philippines whilst the Type 5 Recoilless Rifle only saw usage on Okinawa. I can’t even look at the BR 4-5 roster without cringing at the historical inaccuracies.
This is the consequences of the merge. We should have never let it happen.
it’s already in american hands :>
calm down buddy!
i am all for it as soon as they remove body armor for soviets.
If 20 rounds for the AVT/AVS be only premium, event or gold order, then it will create new a lot of hate from the Russian-speaking community.
they hate them already,for a little more it’s not a problem
Japan is often “the only faction”…
Because never forget the historical accurate Jumbo and M2 in Normandy or the Panzer III B in Moscow.
there were also regular 20 rounder box mags, no need for a drum - also the drum is already in the game in the form of some gold order SVT if I remember correctly.
anyhow there was also a modification thet let AVT use L/S 26(Finnish MG which is in game as GO ) magazine(which again is 20 round)
gud, then add that so people can cry
Where is the limit to the “it existed as a prototype (or even just on paper) before september 1945, so it must be added” logic?
If Fedorov Avtomat from WW1 is somehow already top tier proto-AK, and if Ho-Ri which was never even built is already Japan’s best tank, why shouldn’t we have Tsar Tank somewhere on BR3?
If nothing else the soldiers wearing body armor should be significantly slowed on the battlefield due to the weight.
or we can give all have it too