Average br5 german experience…


From those stats, you’re constantly in a vehicle, and hardly build rallies…

The first picture showed “balanced” teams, you guys could have pulled it out…


My german enemy be like:

to be fair i was focusing on melee only

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First two teams looked fine.
Looks like your teams just didnt really bother to go for CPs and rallies.

BR2 Axis be like:

They just couldn’t stop running in front of my MG

The ratio of vehicle points to experience is far lower than that of infantry
Use a variety of units to fight

Looks like they really like your machine guns

US is stacked with victory farmers, Germany could easily win against Soviets if they wouldn’t get sucked to Normandy due to insane amounts of US players.

Those were my last 3 games i love being an engineer but i also love having real people in my team

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It’s THE reason I leave matches: when I notice I’m alone in cap zones and my team does something else, such as starring at clouds or admiring flowers on the ground.

When I’m with ppl who try, at least it’s funny and I stay (unless when facing known stacks or absurd matchings like me alone + bots vs 10 humans with name decorations)

But it’s so random. 2 days ago I played Sovs and our matches were effortless. But the day before, there was strong axis presence and we lost some.

How selfish from you. You should suffer for the fun of others because you cant have fun.


I’m just gonna chime in to remind people to keep it civil. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Ah, you’re the new moderator?

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I am, so watch yer filthy mouth!!!

J/k. :smiley:

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I am glad it is you tbh. We were afraid it would be some not very neutral ppl to would get the position :smile:

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Thanks man. I appreciate that.

I’ll always try to be neutral, and as helpful as I can.

I know I do tend to speak my mind though, but hopefully I won’t ruffle too many feathers by doing so. :smiley:

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Have you tried building rallies and playing the objective?

It’s kinda hard to take these whining threads seriously when they are basically self-snitching with receipts that you don’t seem to know how games are won and lost. Reality becomes a meme.

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The joy of pvp games is one-way
It is destined that not all players can be happy
Only the winning side and the better players can smile
That’s why positivity is so important

within this game
Most of the time, a few good players have to be the nanny for a large number of passive players and players who use high-level equipment inappropriately.
This makes it harder for good players to have fun
And those players who use advanced equipment passively and improperly will be slaughtered and cried by the enemy because of their poor skills and passiveness.

This is a game that makes it difficult for everyone to smile


I think the points you raised is an issue with most F2P games, to be fair.

Carry harder.

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