Friends, this is an important message to all Enlisted custom mod authors.
In one of the upcoming major updates the game will be changed, which will require you to update your custom mods to ensure compatibility. In order to make this transition smooth, we have prepared in advance for your mods temporary compatibility simultaneously with the current and future versions of the game.
Authors, please update your mods to the future version that will be released in the next major update.
Adapt your mods
- Open the folder “userGameMods”, then the folder with the name of the mod and open scene.blk in any text editor.
- Find the line “door_mult_ent_generator” - this is where the outdated file paths are prescribed. In the “ri_extra_gen__blk” property change, for example, “e_stalingrad” to “enlisted”.
For example, this is what the old line looks like:
This is what the updated one should look like:
On some maps you also need to change the property in the “sound_effect_generator” object - “e_stalingrad” and similar, also to “enlisted”.
If your mission uses the modern tanks from the old April 1st event.
Line content/e_modern/gamedata/gen/… should be replaced with content/enlisted_extra/gamedata/gen/…
Adapt your mods
First way
- Start the mod in the mod editor.
- Remove all references to outdated effects in the logger.
- Add new effects in the game editor via Create Entity - Effects (basic environment effects are filtered by envir)
- Save the scene
Second way
- Find your mod in the proper folder (userGameMods)
- Replace all mentioned effects with new ones
- D:\dagor2\enlisted\prog\gameBase\content\common\gamedata\scenes\
- Make the effect matrix an identity matrix [[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [leave your coordinates]]
It should be noted that scaling new effects can lead to unexpected results and visual artifacts, so they are divided into size categories (small, medium, big etc).
The matrix should be an identity matrix by default (i.e. filled with ones on the main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere), which will not lead to any transformations.
_template:t=“fire_bonfire_small_effect” // name of the template with the effect
transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [-423.756, 9.26824, -1583.39]] // transform matrix, where the first 3 brackets transform scale, rotation, tilt etc., and the last are positioning. You need to convert the first 3 to the form [1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1]
- Save the file and check the results of the changes by running the mod
We appreciate your patience and the impressive mods you create for the entire Enlisted community!