The Commonwealth saw heavy action during the Pacfic, and so would make nice squads for the British faction when they get added. These are my ideas:
Matilda Hedgehog.:
The Australians used over 200 Matilda tanks, many of them being modified for Jungle warfare, thus it would make sense for them to get this unique variant rather than the standard one as a premium or event vehicle. (Though the standard Matilda must be in the techtree rather than premium due to how widley it was used by British forces).
Anzacs, while first appearing in WW1, also fought in WW2, and as a staple of Australia, should be added, at least as cosmetic / gear!
Australian Servers:
Due to severe latency and PING problems at the start of the war in dealing with Japan, the British empire provided Australian servers to ensure their forces could properly comepete. This was also one of the reasons the Aussies were able to push the Japs out of Burma. (Source:
Great Northern Beer:
Still remaining an Australian favourite today, this was drank extensively by Australian troops before battle to act as dutch-courage (not that they needed it). Nonetheless, this allowed them to go toe-to-toe with the Samurai in terms of sheer ferocity and will.
This will replace the water canteen other factions get in the game. However, while providing more stamima than regular water, it will cause the user’s vision to go blury and make it harder to aim your weapon, however you will also gain 25% vitality upon drinking it and your character will start scream quotes from the TF2 Sniper.
Huntsman spider:
Huntsman spiders, while a threat to Australians themselves, were able to be tamed by Australian handlers and used in the same way as attack dogs were. Furthermore, due to them growing to sizes competable with large mammals like Bison or cows they were able to even be used to physically disable tanks by either using their webs or grappeling them. (Source:
Picture: Burma, 19th March, 1944 - Japanese Ha-Go tank is attacked by Australian Huntsman spider of the 5th Royal Artillery Regiment).
Steve Irwin:
He would be a gold order soldier for the uniquely Australian “keeper” class (as implied above, they will be able to deploy Australian fauna to combat the Japs). He will have a special ability to call in a crocodile artillery strike, causing crocs to rain from the sky upon the unsuspecting To-Jo.
New Zealand Weta.
The Weta is giant carnivorious cricket found in New Zealand. While this post is about Australia, I feel as these were extensively used in the final months of the pacific theatre in 1945, they would be a nice premium or event squad. However, due to their docile nature, they would not need a handler and instead you will play as the insects themselves, kind of like how melee sword only speed build soldier works in the current game (except you will be able to crawl through small cracks and crevasses, perfect for catching unsuspecting japs waiting in spider holes).
Picture: A Weta assists US marines advancing on a Japanese strongpoint in Siam, April 30th 1945).
Emu warriors:
After the Great Emu Wars (1932-1932), an armistace was signed granting the Emus the great interior of Australia. With this new-found friendship, many Emus joined the Australian royal army, seeing action in Siam and the South-East Indis. Thus they should be added to the tech-tree due to being such an iconic part of the Australian army.
Picture: An Emu prisoner of war being executed by Japanese officer after the fall of central Burma, 20th December, 1942)
So this is what I expect for an Australian sub-tree within the British Faction, I am curious to see what people think?
Personally I feel like the Matilda Hedgehog and Hunstman spider are likely to be added due to how extensively they were used, though perhaps the Weta may have came too late into the war to really be worth adding)
Food for thought?