AT Squad Cannon and Tank System

Two suggestions in one post, yay!:

First one: I don’t want to detract from the developers’ work by putting a cannon in the AT squad, but I’m sorry to say that the copy and paste of the engineers’ cannon seems like a poor job to me. I think the AT squad should have something with a larger caliber but that change of that power is terribly complicated to move and its recharge is very slow

Second one:It is known by all players that in certain campaigns the classic and dirty trick of placing a tank of a certain size is done to block access and create impassable bottlenecks so that they cannot even be destroyed with bombs, here I can give several options to reverse this: Only a player who has a charge of TNT can blow up the remains of a tank after several charges, than an engineer with some tool, be it some type of tactical torch that only they can use and that is purchased with bronze orders or That other tanks, like in War Thunder, can tow and remove the remains is not mandatory, but it would be a good addition to take into account




I was unable to find American nor Italian ones,same goes for soviets


As I’ve said on other posts, fortifications and how easily they are destroyed needs to be addressed before they put in the ability to remove tank carcasses.
After all, they make up the ONLY solid cover that you can “place” somewhere. Everything else gets absolutely decimated with ease.

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Even detpack should do the job.

had the exact same idea.

was about to post about torches, but you beated me to it.

either way, i believe it would bring something unique and what not.

blow torches could work that they have some fuel, and can be used to destroy buildings faster and consume fuels which you cannot refill ( otherwise i believe it wouldn’t really be balanced )

and you can remove dead tanks and others hard objects.

would make for quicker dismantle or destroy objects of the map in the way.
such as reinforced bars on tunisia and some normandy windows :+1:

not sure if only engies should be the only one to access blow torches, but perhaps makes sense.