AT and sniper squads (leveling up)

Why does it feel like when you are grinding to level these squads up, it takes forever. I feel like I’m grinding through an entire tech tree again while trying to level these squads up. Insanely long time.


Get engineers in both squads ASAP and treat the sniper squad like a discount rifleman squad.

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They’re old end game squads, so they have stupidly high XP requirements despite being early on in the TT

The best way how to max new squad very fast is to use just riflemen with GLs.
Deplete your GLs (usually at least 4 kills per soldiers) as fast as possible and then just die. And repeat.

Class of squad doesn’t really matter, lmao. And no skill required whatsoever.

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AT gunner II has you grinding 18600 XP for just first level so AT gunner is understandable and they probably should make adjustments to it sniper squads Im not sure since I dont play with’em

Yeah it’s a problem. Of those squads listed I think the only squad I maxed is the US AT Gunner 2 Squad. And the rider squad is even worse.