AT-44 event squad

4 assaulters + engineer, all equipped with AT-44, weapon with almost no recoil.

Overall - better than Horn-StG, but their camouflage is rather annoying when aiming.


terrible perk points, same as Horn StG squad. meh


It’s not even useful. BR5 Soviets play on Berlin and Stalingrad, so mostly just city maps…




“We can notice the painstaking work of our dear developers”

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I have used it and it is like the AS-44.
I was a little disappointed because I was looking for something closer to the AVT40.


The squad gets regular assaulter uniforms for Stalingrad, just like the Horn squad for the bulge campaign.

Quality control at its finest.



Yea, I was playing on Berlin map today following one guy with this unit and he was partially transparent with his upper body, quality at its finest. I don’t know how devs could not see this, it’s like first thing that you can notice.


Personally, i like the grass in the aiming view, it makes the squad feel more unique in my opinion

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Are the rifles locked into the squad? You cant switch out the rifle can you? I was thinking the AT-44 was the heavier rifles like the Fedorov , not the AS series lol. Still good tho. Cant wait to unlock them Monday. Im two days behind :face_in_clouds:

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Easy, you can’t notice something that isn’t there.

But yes, even I had the “Huh, that’s wierd.” moment when I saw the nothingness that was their torsos sometimes.

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yep seen it also many time, set of legs running around with a gun.

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ah yes.

kool kamo of snipers given to random guys with assault rifles.

i swear. i can’t tell why or who comes even up with these ideas.
i just don’t get it.

what’s the reason.
what’s the point?

the gun and squad is actually good though.
mopping some germans with it lately.

oh no. we have commited the ultimate sin.
necromancy of posts.

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Btw. This camo is still not available for Stalingrad campaign meanwhile it is available for both Moscow and Berlin campaign.

I wonder if that’s bug or what logic is behind it.


good 'ol inconsistencies.

which are either oversights which are possible, or lazyness… which it’s also possible.

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