Assign MKBs to infentry

Mkb42s is not efficient in br5, turn them into infentry weapon will give an another gaming experience while not creating balencing issue.




Yes, but no.

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Why would you use the Mkb42’s in level five when you can use the StG44, so I would fully agree to drop them to level 4, however that will for the most part still leave them fighting in BR5 matches a lot of the time. If DF would just isolate BR5 like it should, then the Mkb42 at level 4 would be good since it would most likely be in a BR3-4 contest


Dude I love the Event Engineer squad with the 6 Engies with MKB’s. I think this weapon is efficient enough. Keep it BR5 and it would be HOLY terrible to give them to Riflemen. Keep things as they are!


no - sorry mate!

decrease it to BR 4 would be the best solution


I still firmly believe that Kiraly, Beretta and MKB all would fit already well into br4.

-MKB: high damage at mid range, decent recoil, poor close range dps because of very slow rate of fire

-Beretta: lower damage but laser like accuracy, low recoil makes it still good at mid range, higher rate of fire will make it much better in close range then MKB

-Kiraly: high damage, high rate of fire overall very strong dps even at mid range - but very strong recoil and hard to use.

All 3 have their ups and downs, while STG44 would be a combination of all 3 without their downsides, which is why it is a deserved BR5 gun compared to those.


good idea, its weaker than FG42II so there are no issues balance wise and it gives germany more (HA) identity and interesting build decisions deciding between mkb and fg42 for soldiers.


A better solution would just be putting the MKB in BR4 instead of giving an ASSULT RIFLE to infantry men like damn even I would throw all my assault squads away just to have a slow fire rate stg on 11 soldiers and yeah it totally won’t cause issues that would make allies cry to get something like that too lmfao

embracing the standard infantry taking over?

Id still prefer to go the other way, and give select fires to radiomen/mg gunners, and only semi autos to riflemen

I have that squad, or if not the same then one like it, however I sold off the Mkb42’s for StG44’s. :blush:

or just dont give them to infantry?Would it be better just give them to at gunners, radio operater and engineers?

What are you talking about? Why should BR4 be the only tier that doesn’t have to fight a higher tier? That’s unfair for sure. (Obviously 5 doesn’t but thats different because it’s the last one) If you want to isolate 5 from 3 permanently that’s fine. I’m also completely against downtiering mkb.

No. Kiraly is just not a BR4 gun. It’s absolutely the best SMG in high tier and one of the best in game. This is even worse than down tiering mkb

I’m saying that the way DF sets up the matches, a level 4 Mkb will still be fighting in most level 5 matches. So, the way it is set up, it doesn’t make a lot of difference if it is rated a level 4 or 5 BR as it is STILL going to be fighting in level 5. “IF DF WAKES UP” and finally do the right thing and makes BR5 a “SOLO” stand alone BR rating, then rating it at BR4 will make a difference. :yum:

Yes i understood all that. The question is, why do you think BR4 shouldn’t fight BR5.

Because BR 4 is still semi auto and BR5 is fully auto. BR4 is much closer to BR3 then to BR5. I make my distinction with the semi auto rifles.

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That’s just 1 weapon type for riflemen though. Don’t really see it the same way. BR4 still has tons of really strong equipment that can easily take on BR5 stuff. Germany has panther and tiger in BR4

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Yeah, and I can play decent in level 5 with my level 3 allies, I just don’t choose to do so since I have level 5 allies. :sweat_smile: My only point is that when comparing weapons, level 3 and level 4 both have total semi auto rifles, while they are mostly fully auto in level 5. That is why I have been saying that the BR levels should be 1-2, 3-4 and 5. It’s up to DF as for the most part they don’t seem to listen to us much anyway. :thinking: