Asia Server? Or am I missing something

I’m an aussie player who’s been playing this game for years, I took a break just after the Rzhev update as I got burnt out. I jumped on today and was put into a server with 190 ping!!! I have never since installing this game had anything under 230… Am I missing a server or???

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Same here mate. Playing from India I get matched in East European servers most of the time. Sometimes the struggle is real. Don’t know why aren’t they implementing an Asia/South East Asia/Oceania server despite having such a large population of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese etc. players in-game. One of the reasons might be that China has its own separate client. But these people play a lot on normal servers as well. Especially during the afternoon here in India. Hopefully, as the game grows further following the Steam release we will get to see Asian servers. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers: