As a newbie, I wondered

Why is it when I start out I’m forced to play Level I - III players, but if I upgrade past Level II, the game switches to me playing Level II - IV?

BR2 lineup has matchmaking queue of BR1-2 and BR2-BR3 matches.

Meanwhile BR3 lineup has matchmaking queue of BR2-3, BR3-4 and BR3-5 matches.

That’s how it is designed now.


just further clarification. only US-japan should have BR3-5 matches normally. everyone else should have ±1BR MM unless you are playing in times when there are no players on the server.


The matchmaking is like one piece, we haven’t found it yet.

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eh, I reguraly see lost souls with basically BR2 lineups (and one BR3 something) getting curbstomped by BR5


they probably have some event BR4 or BR5 weapon equipped on one soldier and then getting matched into BR5 matches…


Because BR III is this magical BR that reminds me of good ol Pre Merge Enlisted. Before all this BR bull existed

Just stay in BR II till you’re confident in your ability to fight against BR V. Regardless of if you’re going into a High Tier match with a full III loadout or a full V loadout, if you ain’t experienced and good at the game you’re gonna get curb stomped. High Tier is a full auto sweat fest that most people don’t even find fun. Just stay in BR II till you think you’re ready

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BR II still suffers the crap matchmaker issue where sometimes you end up with completely non-sentient team getting curbstomped by a stack of meta BR III guys cycling the worst BS available


Is what it is I suppose

I think I just had one of those games. :slight_smile:

Ohh-kay… but when do I get to enjoy being “big guy on campus” and be allowed to play with my BR3 stuff? Why is it always the 'other" guys that have the nice stuff?

I think the designers need to rethink this strategy because all its doing is causing frustration.