Army of losers

I selected my tank 18 seconds ago as the countdown to my torment comes down to 3, 2, 1 and NOPE, Someone else took both vehicles!? I rush the cap with my engineers building a rally point half way to my objective. As I come around the hill I was using as cover I see my opponent, I take aim and fire twice Tiny White reticles flash on my screen indicating my bullets struck home as my vision goes red… Y, Y, Y, I both ask myself as I switch from squad member to squad member only to see all of them on their knees scrambling to bandage their fresh wounds. I look up to the counter that started at 1000 ticking down fast. Guess I’ll try sniping because I don’t want to lose more units than my team can spare.


  1. Why is it when I select a tank with the countdown at 21, at go time the game be like graying out my tank talking about, choose a squad NOOB!?

More importantly
2. What do I do with the one star Riflemen I with 3/3/3 for perk points?

I was thinking of sending them to the rear and trying to get 5/5/5’s or at least 4/5/3’s but it’s SO expensive, so I was considering the following;

Training them to 5 star so I could get 50 silver per star netting 200 silver extra per soldier sent to the rear so I can TRY the gamble yet again and again. The problem with this approach is that I am not as effective in combat and fail my team in doing so. But my silver income is WAY low despite building rallies in the closest and safest places every chance I get. After all, I don’t want my team mates getting spawn killed.

Furthermore, should I try gambling with the more expensive Rifleman III

Riflemen I
Enlistment Cost 3000
Send to rear refund;
1 star 2650
2 star 2700
3 star 2750
4 star 2800
5 star 2850

So I only lose 150 silver per lost gamble rather than 350 silver

Rifleman III (I believe)
Cost 9000

Send to rear refund;
1 star 8150
2 star 8250
3 star 8450?
4 star 8550?
5 star 8650?

So I only lose 350 silver per lost gamble rather than 850 silver?

I’m considering skipping the Rifleman II class altogether but does anyone know the prices of the Rifleman II class and star silver refunds?

What do you guys do?
Do you have better methods I haven’t considered?

By now all of you understand why I resort to sniping :frowning_face: So sorry for the losses in advance.

These will NEVER get Vitality +35% Pictured here before getting new Semi-auto rifles

Thanks for any ideas and advice

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You should play lone fighters where they actually reward you unlike the mess which is public matches it’s slower but at least you’re not hurting your team there

What I love most about Enlisted are the squads, being able to switch between an assaulter, a sniper and an engineer is awesome with endless possibilities

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because one or more individuals selected a vehicle of the same type in the same moment and the RNG decided that someone but you get to play the vehicle.

it goes both ways

but it’s a system that prevents having more thanks than the limit as it used to in the past


" fun times ".

well, each type of each squad have different initial perks and different perk points in the pool.
even though, it’s not guaranteed because also soldiers have RNG of various category of points.
( sometimes your soldier will have 16 vitality, other times only 15, others 17 etc )

but since i presume you’re a beginner, my suggestions are if you want to get more perks and stars, grind the base rifleman squad fully the red tech tree.

that, is for soldiers.
so that your solders will get more stars and consequentially, more perks.
but, you will be forced to at least spend some points.

for riflemans, it depends many factors, but i’d go for perks that allows you to " stop " flames faster, and either faster melee, or throwing grenades further.

it really depends your play style.

i wouldn’t advise to do that.

first of all, make some " cheap " veterans squad that you will use and carry on until you get lots of silver to then being able to replace them for your liking.

what you need first, are good weapons, fully upgraded, and then focus on having better soldiers for better perks.

because in this game you gain way more and are more rewarded if you kill lots of infantry, vehicles and drag as long as possible the matches to make them last longer.

which… quite frankly, in the current state can be a challenge even for veterans with premium.

all i can say, try to build more rallies, bring tnts and explosives to deal with tanks, and perhaps run with medics as you do get some good experience point by healing. and they are new players friendly somewhat. be more precise with those smg or rifles because you don’t have alot of bullets with medics.

ah. so you’re not new.

well. new or not, gambling never goes your way.
especially in this game.

gamble was mostly taken away

and starting to do hold habits will only make you even poor.

as i said, keep the ones you have, make some veterans, and keep them until you will have enough silvers to buy new rifleman of better type etc.

because it requires time and many silvers.

sniping makes you the least ammount of point.

so… stop being a sniper, and fight more at the front lines.

you can have one sniper on non sniper squad, that’s fine. but using sniper squads it’s the least effective in every way possible of playing this game.

because you have way less soldiers than other squads, and sitting in the back barely grants you enough experience.

part of gaining experience is from the AI teammates alone.

weather they are capturing the point or shooting people.
standing still doing nothing serves literally no one.

( or… yeah. play LF as sniper, you might get good points depending your score. but yeah, LF makes you earn more than squad as long you have more than 10 players in the lobby )

I asked that same question a while back, helpers answered it’s selected at random at “time 0” among those having selected a vehicle.

Sell. 3/3/3 are the worst possible stats obtainable. Not worth investing in. Or use as filler til you recruit better men… then sell.
OR keep them in unused squads because squads in reserve still require a minimum of 3 to 5 soldiers.

Oh, it’s random, I didn’t think of that. I thought it was who chose 1st. thanks.

Yup, I use Dynamite on all for tanks, I even took out a King Tiger with Dynamite, It was awesome.
I build rallies every match and I have a medic in 3 of my squads but my team mates and I die too fast.

My guys don’t have vitality +35% so we die too fast, I need super soldiers for cap rushes.

I’m hoping to someday have all reserves as super soldiers on all factions… someday


that’s great.

keep doing more of that.

the more kills you make, and the more you are a fanatical, the more you will get reward.

( weird to say… but unfortunately that’s how it happens )

even though, you only earn through slow pased games.
but because of teammates and what not, battles end up being too short. almost as a compentition between you and them. so it’s in your interest to make the most out of it.


but, on defense can make you worth a wile.

not necessarily, you can run with larger squads such as rifleman ( 9 soldiers ) and start your war of attrition.

but, that’s up to you.

Eh, don’t push yourself too hard. Even I do not (but I got maaaaany legacy squads)

Basically what you need is enough men to fill all squads of one single preset (br 2 for example). The surplus squads you don’t use, can have the required minimum amount of soldiers with bad stats in them.

Your “bench warmers”.

If you want to use those squads again, just swap the bad soldiers and good ones between squads.

Not care. I don’t min max like some other nerds. I enjoy the game. Lol

I saw the title Army of Losers and thought it was a new team that I am well qualified to join.

I came here to sign up.

My bad :flushed:


You could join the Army of Lovers instead :laughing:

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Hehe i spent about 1 million silver filling all 5 complete BR decks for 2 nations so far (10 squads each)with max roll soldiers :stuck_out_tongue: …(also upgrading the extra equipment)

Funded by selling pre merge assaulter IVs

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That cost you only 1 million silver? :thinking:

Unless you already had a bunch of perfect rolls at the ready, that amount is surprisingly low.

Unless you use many tier 1 soldiers instead of 3 & 4?

(I know I have enough to do so as well… I didn’t sell my surplus men yet, and I think 3 factions are still over 300 pairs of boots in reserve only :stuck_out_tongue: too lazy to do it yet)

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I disagree, you’ll get 90% of the cost back by selling a bad rolled soldier.

True. Already had nearly every squad filled from stalingrad and pacific…(1s 2s and 3s…cheap and easy)…part of my merge prep

Plus 147 assaulter 4s…sold all the ones that werent max stats :stuck_out_tongue:
Fair to say i already had half of what i needed probably soldier wise…had alot more gear to buy and upgrade though

But yeah wasnt too bad post merge due to good refund (soldier rolling)

But considering all i had and still bleeding silver…

Poor newbies


Now that you mention it, I probably have more than enough too to get 5 presets in each factions…

I’ve been a real hoarder all these years.

To start, I didn’t “need” to buy any new weapon post update, I already have more than enough (I did anyway, just to make my squads more “special”)

I’ve also got so many soldiers…

I suppose it’s not normal to keep 30 fighter pilots in reserve… “but… but they have perfect stats!” I never could bring myself to sell a perfect soldier :sweat_smile:

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