Are you Pro Merge, Anti-Merge, or Neutral? (Let's review)

the problem with using “immersion” as a general adjective, is that immersion varies from player to player, depending mostly on the knowledge the player have on the ww2 subject.

for someone knowledgeable, tiger IIs in normandy is a heresy and would totally break immersion. for some people less interested in real history facts and more on gameplay, a tiger II is just a bigger german tank and the only thing it will break is their censored


well no.

that’s your just subjective opinion.

heck, battlefield V is considered immersive.

so enlisted is not that far off.

immersion is in enlisted because you do have to reload with realistic numbers, ttk is somewhat fast, and the atmosphere are all there.

what is being used is only a matter of concern if it breaks the ww2 realm ( such as m4s carbines, abrams etc )

enlisted, did not.
( yet )

that a president they are setting for them selves.

as far immersion goes, it kinda remains in the atmosphere and realm of being in a ww2.

despite if one thing or another weren’t widely used / rightfully depicted.

not quite.

immersion is defined by various aspets.

and for the sake of it’s term:

( ps. of course some random site on the first page doesn’t fully prove a point, but many others on the matter can if you are interested enough )

enlisted is without a doubt, immersive enough to be considered one.

nitpicks of X or Y does not change that.

because historical accuracy immersion is another thing.

they only share various aspects and the name.

but criteria totally differs. as well as implications and calls of judgement etc.

well i havent played battlefield since first one, so i am not qualified to comment if it is or it is not immersive.

i have no problem if that is all you require for immersion. but that also means that you can have KT in moscow/stalingrad without breaking immersion which people are constantly complaining about that breaks their immersion.

if you want ww2 immersion then yes, but people are demanding specific campaign immersion which is subset of ww2. and i find it all kinda stupid when in that subset you also have loads of fantasy, obsolete or limited quantity weapons that either werent used in ww2 or that specific campaign or were only available in limited quantities.

that is exactly what i am talking about, but better worded.

it is immersive.

mostly for the graphic, atmosphere, gunplay and guns looking somewhat real enough in general ( even though they literally made a sturmgeshutze IV with a short barrel. or frankestained the m4 sherman )

( even though it’s arguable subjectively, but even the reviews for how bad some of them area, or bought, considers bf an immersive title )

subjective immersion =/= immersion

and even if they ( the people arguing about immersion ) mean historical immersion, we convered that already.

HA immersion ( which never existed ) does not affect the already present immersion.

it only affect subjective perspective and desires of the immersion.

it only affects what you want to see.
not what devs created.

we could stay here arguing all day about subjective immersion.

but that’s not the point.

immersion is plain and simple.

which weather someone likes it or not, ( hoping for a DIFFERENT immersion, it’s another thing ) it’s what we got.

i would argue if objective immersion even exists. immersion is all about subjective criteria.

it’s… quite objective.

whether you like it or not, it’s anoter discussion for another time and another topic.

not on the objective immersion.

When we are creating worlds in games, immersion is only possible for the player if we can convince the players that the space is authentic (whether stylized or not.) If the critical features on screen don’t match up with the critical features of the player’s schemata, then he or she will not be fooled by it.

Generally, though, what he’s finding is that players do a lot of the work toward immersion themselves. People more prone to fantasising and daydreaming – i.e. more absorptive personalities – are able to become more immersed in game worlds. “One of the components we look for in immersion is emotional involvement,” says Cairns. “Becoming immersed is partly that you really care about the outcome, for whatever reason, so you need some sort of emotional sensitivity to be able to connect to the game and want to have that connection.”


enlisted does that.

i wasn’t around in the 40s, but seems convincing enough the various locations, the weapons being used, and the voice acting. the sounds etc.

granted, i would argue about immersion, could need slighlty more immersion to it in the sense of being realistic ( not cheesy toddlers fighting each other ), more animations ( for mines, tanks etc )

but base line is, enlisted is immersive to be considered immersive.

heck, you even have your own squad to give orders to etc.

almost as a roleplay.

Generally, though, what he’s finding is that players do a lot of the work toward immersion themselves. People more prone to fantasising and daydreaming – i.e. more absorptive personalities – are able to become more immersed in game worlds. “One of the components we look for in immersion is emotional involvement,” says Cairns. “Becoming immersed is partly that you really care about the outcome, for whatever reason, so you need some sort of emotional sensitivity to be able to connect to the game and want to have that connection.”

this sounds more like the writer having one fantasy or two.

so you are saying that it wouldnt be immersive for someone who was there in 40s?
that is where subjective part comes into play. the more you know about subject, the more fakeness you can discern and less immersive game becomes. it can still be fun game, but it wont be immersive.


it’s more about what the game offers in terms of immersion.

and more or less, enlisted does it.

there could be an argument of being more arcady and what not.
but it doesn’t negate the other aspects of it.

i mean, it doesn’t really matter what i think, or you consider immersive.

that’s another type of dicussion.

( which i did throwed in there )
but enlisted is immersive enough to check the various checkboxes for being considered one.

is… that hard to get?

whether it’s perfect immersion, again, that’s another type of discussion.

I would have been more positive about the merge if they hadn’t butchered it. The current state of the merge is early beta at best. Stuff that doesn’t work, stuff that’s supposed to work and doesn’t, and stuff that is obvious but hasn’t been adressed or ignored.

Add to that an abyssmal bad communication and the fact that they kind of forced the merge despite all the issues still present after the 4th dev server.

On the bright side, some nations are better to play now.

But the devs lost all my respect (and they’re now below WT levels).

Not sure if I’m going to stay, it will depends on how well they will communicate and repair this failed update. (note that I’m OK with the idea of the merge, just not this butchered execution)

Yeah, this game is still beta. :face_in_clouds:

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I was talking about the update.

Even during for a BETA software, you’re supposed to apply your FINISHED updates to your BETA software (software engineer inside).

yes. cause there is no objective immersion no matter how hard you insist that it exists. there are no checkboxes to check to make game objectively immersive. everyone will experience game differently and will find it immersive or not. just cause lots of people call it immersive doesnt mean it is objectively immersive.


What is ‘Immersion’ in Psychology?

Immersion in video games is more than just enjoying a game’s story, HUD, graphics, etc. It’s a psychological phenomenon that happens when your brain goes into a different state.

“Immersion is a process of temporarily expanding consciousness into areas of the unconscious—something like hypnosis, but retaining consciousness as one does in lucid dreaming states.”

Video game immersion brings you out of the ‘real world’ and transports you and your brain into a different reality. If you have ever spent hours on hours in a game like The Witcher 3, you’ll know exactly what we mean.

How Do You Get Immersed in Video Games?

Everyone is different when it comes to video game immersion. Some gamers are more easily drawn in by good graphics. Other players are immersed in a realistic game world. It depends on your personal preference in games to determine what will be immersive gaming for you.

What is an immersive game?

Immersive games are video games that pull you into their worlds, either through realism, scope, or good gameplay.

What is the most immersive video game?

The consistently ranked Witcher 3 is one of the most highly immersive games you can play right now. Some of the other most immersive games are Horizon: Zero Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Fallout: New Vegas.

How do I make my game more immersive?

Video game immersion is all about drawing players into your world. This means having aspects like a real, believable open world, great graphics, and other quality aspects.

Immersive gaming doesn’t need an open world to be immersive by any stretch. It helps, sure, but as long as you have captivating parts of your game that can draw a player’s attention, you can craft the perfect video game immersion.

not at all.

it’s pretty much very similar to biology, for example, humans.

a human has certain traits and “features”/characteristics .

immersion is not different.

would you say, just because someone is missing an arm, or a leg that individual is not human?


would say that males and females are other things from being human just because males and females are and somewhat work differently between the two?

absolutely not.
they are still human.

the same goes for immersion.

what you make out of it, that’s on you. not on the overhal term or implications that stands for.

p.s. i do not make labels of things.

someone else did. and according to the same labels given, enlisted is by definition, immersive.

Maybe if we got a wide variety of new maps and historical battlefields, added to each campaign(free content). And im not talking about only adding one or two maps, per year.
I bet this game would have seen a massive influx of new players, just by regularly adding new maps and battlefields, to each campaign.

Instead, we went the opposite direction.

Whats the point of new maps if people still club one sides all the time?

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im sorry, im not arguing about if enlisted is immersive or not, for me it actually is very immersive on the ww2 theme and i couldnt care less if a king tiger model (h) with 13,5 mm more armor in the pilot seat to protect from mine and undercarriage explosions is immersive or not, or if the arc of firing of the PPsH is 5,2 degrees different from the real thing. a game is a game.

but immersion cannot be reduced to an objective value. immersion for players fall directly into the user personal opinion, and therefore is 100% subjective.

player A will see yanks running around with their standard issue uniform storming D Day beaches, and feel completely immersed into the experience, giving 0 fks about the Tiger II, planes above, fg42s like candy and everyone packing conder prototypes. he is immersed.

player B will see a Tiger II tank in the beaches of normandy, and his immersion completely breaks cause he knows those werent there. he lost immersion.

player C will notice the 20mm belt fed gun on the BF109/K3/117U late version modified for cold weather doesnt have 3 solid rounds/1 HE round interlaced, and would feel like immersion is out the window for him.

you cannot make immersion objective, since it falls directly into what a particular person feels in that moment. and feelings cannot be quantified.

are you actually arguing that the sensation of immersion is objective, and therefore quantifiable?
im sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree here.

  1. this isnt even definition. this is “definition” from some arm corporate site that google randomly decided to promote. here is full “definition” from that site.

What is Immersive Gaming?

Immersive games are video games that transport the player into an alternative world where techniques are used to make them feel more like the character they’re playing. This is achieved through a combination of good game flow, fully developed storylines, and extreme realism made possible by cutting-edge graphics. A realistic, open world—fortified with remarkable graphics—is a key element in making games captivating. As the compute power of smartphones increases and 5G becomes prevalent, mobile latency and buffering issues are diminishing, allowing game studios to create seamless gaming experiences for users, even as they transition between consoles, laptops, and mobile devices.

Why is Immersive Gaming Important?

The world of gaming is evolving. Sensory stimulation is quickly becoming an integral part of the gaming experience and, in the process, making hand-held controller games feel dated and minimally engaging. To attract customers, gaming designers are now incorporating significantly enhanced, sensorial, full-body experiences, involving augmented realities (AR) and complete virtual-reality (VR) simulations. Arm is at the center of immersive gaming experiences from the cloud to the edge and endpoint. We work with partners such as Hatch, Google, Epic and Unity to optimize mobile gaming performance on Arm-based SoCs.

no it isnt.

for something to be immersive it must be believable. what is believable is subjective depending on the knowledge person has about the subject.

can you tell me that if i put normandy map and called it tunisia that you would be immersed in it like you were in tunisia? what is preventing tunisia immersion with normandy map? simply your knowledge of what tunisia should look like.

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