Are we gonna get some game mode improvements?

i’d love to hear some sneakpeek from helper regarding this :slight_smile:

there’s been plenty of great suggestion to improving existing game modes,
iirc there’s been no major changes to game modes other than ticket/capture tweaks.

are we gonna get some changes? to game modes mechanics, grey zone mechanics etc.?

here’s some of proposition i liked much:

  • preparation time (great for players to fully join the server, and to replace all early deserters)
  • defence counter-attacks (great to end a game quicker if attacker team is incapable of attacking)
  • Alternative Evolution of Invasion mode - Suggestions - Enlisted
  • buffing attacking side on assault
  • simplification of confrontation

what do you guys think, does current game modes could use some improvements?
feel free to refresh your old topics regarding this down below :point_down:


Yeah, train mode and conquest needs to be completely deleted. That’s the best improvement these modes can get.
I am at the point, when I am quitting them immediately everytime (when playing solo).

I really wonder how devs achieved to do such annoying conquest, this mode was such a fun in older BFs.
Train mode is just bizarre, running simulator in which concept of rally points do not work at all. So it’s basically just annoying version of run & gun.


i wouldn’t mind them being deleted either, same goes for destruction unless it would get reworked hard.

instead of tug of war stupid bomb planting we could get something like early Soviet mission in cod2 where you had to plant multiple C4 on a building

then make it a bridge, ammo storage, anything and you get pretty much great immersive game mode, it would require more work though.

So basically I’d leave just invasion, confrontation and maaaybe assault with little bit of tweaking.

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I agree with everything you’ve said.

I can’t give you like tho, my poor social credit strikes again


I like the train itself…not the mode. Id like to see it as a secondary somehow weaved into a game mode…reinforcements or supply or something.

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this is what i thought about,

a way to simulate logistics, either by train or trucks.
that would be absoultely awesome

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I hate this mode so much… Really… All you do is running. And when you finally get onto train, you’re basically just completely defenseless target for everyone else.

But yeah, the train itself is cool.

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Behemoths from BF1 come to mind. Would be cool imo.


Yes i had that in mind also :stuck_out_tongue:

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deleted train no, it need a rework, I like it as attacker and defender, but it need lot of improvements, like make rallies closer as example, spawn of vehicles for move better, and allow build structures close to the rails, not in the rails for avoid the cross trick

I personally hate it, so sorry for my overdramatic reaction.
I believe there’s many people who enjoys it and they would be pretty sad if it was deleted.

I think no restrictions for rally points is needed for this mode. They’re not usable when fighting is near anyway.

that’s what I said above, the train mode is frustating for the reasons I suggested, need build structures, have more vehicles for move easier in the map,etc.

I think pretty much all of the Invasion maps need a rework so that the objective isn’t some fucking barn, rather a larger plot of land/town. IMO, there’s too much Flamethrower and Explosion spam all because ONE building (for example) must be an objective for some stupid reason.

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you forgot assault…


i made a poll one day on this matter, turns out players actually like objrctives being so small, so that they can rush it with explosives and stuff and most importantly they want to scan objective quickly.

and well, small objectives favour fast gameplay,

if you have big objectives you have to spend more time looking for engagements, it might be boring for majority of players.

I suggest you checking out big action mod, or custom games overall, imo custom games will be rocking hell out of this game sooon.

Polls shouldn’t always be taken seriously unless you get them from numerous communities but that’s a different topic I don’t wanna go into. I think what I personally have in mind is more in-between the Big Action mod, and what we currently have for Invasion. Take the Ruins of Vaux map for example. Instead of the church being the objective, the objective is just larger and includes the church and a few surrounded rubble piles and buildings. Players wouldn’t even need to search for engagements, it would still be in that area just not all clustered into one spot.

I could probably demonstrate what I’ve got in mind if anyone’s interested.