Appeal for Custom Content support and mods in general

Hello there! I’m Bazsi37, and i usually more active on the modding side of the forums. This is my opinion of the state of modding, and my thoughts in general.

I started messing around with the game editor and modding Enlisted back when the mod editor was made available to us. Being repetitive and boring after 2 years of playing, having no real new gamemodes (they essentially recycled invasion into destruction, confrontation) i turned to modding to create my own experiences.

Since then, with other modders, we have come a long way, from simple conquest missions, to more complex invasions, and to finally what we know as BigAction and Modern Conflict today, the most complex and feature rich mods out there, having features that are considerable ahead of what you can experience in ordinary normal battles.

Other gamemodes, such as Gun Games, Zombies, and experimental PvE has also profited from the mod editor; Party maps were born, you might have played Nuketown, Zombie Bunker Raid, or checked out the excellent PvE missions around Spartanovka (which has the much asked 100 round MG-42 for example!)

I like to think about us as a rather small, but enthusiastic community, trying to push the boundaries of the game, creating environments and missions even the developers would have never thought of making. However, we are hitting a major obstacle, and it seems like without considerable community support, we won’t be able to break through this…barrier i should say.

Since @Keofox left, it feels like modding has been put on a sidetrack, and has very little priority compared to the main game, despite being a major “selling point” on the Steam page, and majority of custom battles being mods. (Number of CBs is irrelevant, the top custom battles that have at least 4 players are mostly mods!)

We don’t have a lot of means to influence development of the Enlisted project (almost none). We make suggestions quite often, but it feels like the person responsible for deciding priorities doesn’t care about modding aspect of this game at all. Games with good replayibility tend to have great modding support. Games with great modding support tend to be more popular, and also tend to make more money on a long run, despite not generating money directly. I believe this is a major missed opportunity.

So what would be the next big step for not just modding, but for Enlisted as a whole? That’s a question with many different answers. In my opinion, it would be to allow custom models, and textures into online modded battles. Let us elevate Enlisted further!

With such support, almost anything would be possible:

On the short term:

  • Custom maps; You could have almost any map you wanted. Saipan? Mediterrainean? Early WW2 scenarios? Fictional maps from popular movies and franchises*¹.
  • Map ports from other games. While not every game is supported, maps from Source 2 Engine games, Renderware games like my experimental San Andreas map, maps of old 3D retro games, or basically anything you can make in Blender. The list could go on…
  • Entirely new vehicles, either historical or fictional; With permission, all user made vehicles on the WT.LIVE portal could be used in Enlisted. Including but not limited to: Ratte, KV-6 meme tank, modern and cold war era aircraft…*².

Dust 2 map imported to Enlisted. But we need texture loading support from developers…


NFS Most Wanted map in War Thunder. Because WT and Enlisted uses the same game engine, it would be a day 1 mod of CC support release. Being an abandonware, this particular example has no legal consequence to port maps as mods. Neither does the above example.

On a long term from a technical viewpoint, user made equipment and game mechanics may also be possible. Under game mechanics, i mean gamemodes, rules, features.

I kindly ask you to support our, and maybe Your cause as well, by sharing and liking this post. Just talking about it, is great help too. Even if you aren’t a big fan of mods, think about the impact of modding on the main game…

If you’re a content creator, and you think this is an idea you can agree with, please consider featuring mods on your channel from time to time. They are not that bad. Give them a try :slight_smile:

Thank you for reading this essay, and i wish you a great day!


Making maps in map editor (DaEditor) is a quite complex process compared to other mainstream game SDKs. It’s so difficult in fact, that only 2 proper custom locations has been made ever, for War Thunder! But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible…
While it is possible, proper support is required by the game for this to happen, which may be distinct from custom content support

P.S: I would like thank the handful of developers active on the modding section on the forums for their help, and listening to our feedback over the years.


Being able to import crsed foad maps would be greatly appreciated

waiting for devs to add custom content be like:


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Thank to mentionned the mini game categori it was creating race mode

The most annoying thing is that the community administrators completely ignore us, as if they don’t need us. I would like to see at least one answer that something is planned or not planned, because it seems that the players are talking into the void.

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