APC damage from air needs a serious look at

I just had a game where I dumped almost all of my 20mm Hispanos into a premium German HT with no kill or explosion. I know this goes on from both sides when it comes to high caliber machine guns on planes vs APC. It’s like they are black hole for rounds and nothing happens.


No armour is best armour, get gaijined


They doo seem to be quite tough - even to bombs - but I’ve certainly gotten kills of them with cannon and MG too.

I suspect it is due to the component damage model - you have to hit enough different components to reach some sort of “it’s dead now” threshold

Ah yes, the 20mm machine gun

The Bofors 40mm AA gun is nominally refered to as a machinegun. Widen your eyes to the field of firearms nomenclature and see that there lies no sense in it, and the people with the most ardent of opinions are also the people who in fact know the least about the subject.

I impart onto you this knowledge so that you may also achieve enlightenment some day.

It’s an auto cannon

I dont know. Mostly they just blowup first pass for me.

If you drag your crosshair across it (start at one end, and drag to the other) instead of just pointing straight at it and mostly hitting the same spot over and over its quite consistant

APCS are may favourite targets, second only to planes

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I’ve never seen it referred to as a machinegun.

got any references that do so?

I guess an autocannon is technically a machine gun. Rither way it’s not a big deal people. Obviously everyone knows what hes talking about

In my last match I killed APC with just one burst from plane canons.
BUT I was firing 30 and 37mm rounds (Bf110) so maybe 20mm is simply too small (not enoigh HE filler) do deal significant enough damage?

Not that far from the 12.7 mm automatic freedom launcher

The 20 mm hispano are bug so it normal with deshka it so easy to destroy a APC with just 30 bullets of 12.5 mm

The freedom dispenser does just fine, and that is even lower Caliber

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No he may be correct on this one. The 20mm Hispanos are probably firing a HEF-I shell, or something with less letters, and some sort of T shell. Possibly HEI-T. No AP. .50’s have APC shells that can rip straight through the thin armor of APC’s. Cannons either need AP or enough explosive to overpressure the thing as most HE shells will just det on impact with the steel

Since there is no magic truck in history that gives birth to fully armed soldiers, I don’t feel there is any need to force the truck to reproduce the armor and interior.
Shouldn’t we introduce the good old, simple health system?

The problem isn’t that they won’t die eventually, it’s that they are super inconsistent and frustrating to deal with
Handheld AT is total crapshoot, in reality no one would think to use a truck hit directly with something like a Panzerfaust ever again…best case scenario is you have a random chance to set it on fire
Bombs often do nothingz unless you direct impact
Strafing is also a total crapshoot
Sometimes you nick them once and they explode
Sometimes you hammer them pass after pass and it just won’t take damage
Ironically they are significantly more resilient to damage than a stupid Puma…which has some actual armor on it (which I 90% of the time can strafe to death with a short burst using only .50cals)

Destroying engine/transmission/wheels should disable the spawn point of the APC

Yesterday, I poured probably ten shots or more from a Ho-I into a truck before it exploded. Yet, have killed many with explosives.

They are an odd breed.