AP mine fix idea (trip wires)

if removing AP mines become a thing could they be replaced with trip wires, that take x amount of seconds to place

end result would look like this

these are more visible to players and would take a few seconds to place (think placing like an engineering structure)

you could also jump over them without them going off (unlike ap mines)


i like it would not feel random or unfair good idea

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I don’t mind, as long as I can keep placing them on enemy rally points.

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uh how dare you…
I recommend playing with TNT…

This is a good idea.
Battlefield 5 uses the same approach to weaken anti-personnel mines.
However, I hope that anti-personnel mines can be cleared by more means, not just shooting at them, because there are many times when the sound of gunfire will give you away.
At the same time, explosives should make it easier to clear them.


some people just want to see the world burn…

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I think it would be better to solve the mold penetration or shorten the blast radius
Currently 5 meters? Change to 3 meters

But I would prefer to divide it into 2 triggering methods and more types
Wire controlled mines (more kill range)
Pressure triggered mines (better hiding ability)
Fire booby trap (hanging)
Use a rope to trigger powerful explosives (can be stuck to walls or doors for a wider range)

Mines should retain the ability to be dropped at spawn points or any fortifications
This is a good way to trap and defend

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trip wires for indoors and AP mines for outdoors.

sure if they stay above ground otherwise the soldier needs to dig a hole and cover it with a bit a dirt those things don’t bury themselves

I’m all for animations. the drop while running is a bit silly.


There are more important things to fix.

I would simply change the current mechanic to having to be stopped to place the mine.

All the other stuff is nice, but does not address the real issue of dodgy deployment and hiding behind nicer graphics or gimicks such as trip wires does not alter this.

Fix the deployment and the broader problem will largely go away.