Anyone else think that BR III Allies are just as effective as BR V?

Gross. The last thing this game needs is more automatic rifles. Go play a non-WW2 game if that’s what you want


Still wondering what gun they’ll give us for that

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Honestly I’d be super interested to see this game evolve into what other people have thought. Incorporating Korean War, Vietnam War, and further modern stuff over time. Each era separated entirely from each other of course

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No one can help if you fail to see the obvious. The power creep is real in this game and it is time you learn to acknowledge it.

I have SAS and red devils for my smgs needs

Really love the silenced sten and welgun.

Yes yes, people say the sten is bad but…it just wrecks for me

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I mainly disliked it because of underwhelming sounds. Then add very blunt sights and you have very boring weapon.
That’s why I don’t really like it. It’s just so… Unsatisfying to use.


Im biased towards it

A favourite childhood movie made sure of it

Even one of my german fallschirmjager squads is lead by Kurt Steiner


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For me it was, Spyforce, pretty sure there is a Sten or two in this show, or maybe the Owen, which, i prefer as much as a sten :smile:
Think i have to try and get box set, haven’t watched this since the 70’s :rofl:

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I havent seen that one, But Jack Thompson is a champ. might have to watch.

I thought you meant Task Force Z for a moment :stuck_out_tongue:


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Found it, for about $70 au for a 42 episodes of Spyforce DVD

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Ahhh, I understand.

Let me tell you one thing that every Czech knows about Sten. It was this weapon that failed at the moment when it was supposed to kill Reinhard Heydrich. That’s what they teach in all the schools here.
Those are my childhood memories about Sten xD


and now I understand lol

Keke, should of used a Owen :smile:

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Eventually they used a modified British antitank grenade to kill him.

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I seem to remember this story, from a film, long ago.
may of been this film

Yeah, several movies were made about this story. But I haven’t seen neither of them.

If you want some proper info, I highly recommend this video (the audio is kinda trash & it has only eng subs but whatever):

And I believe we should stop derailing this topic. :sweat_smile:

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On topic. NO
i do not think BR III, are just as effective as BR V
Make both teams full of players, you would see BR III is not.

Haha…i know its just a movie…but didnt even try to re cock the sten…and he had a pistol as backup :man_shrugging:

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I have very guttural reactions to top mags

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I think it fully has the potential to be. Just in the hands of the right players

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