Any updates on long term bugs?

I have some bugs which have been on CBR over a year, some which have been on a matter of weeks… are your helpers and Devs going to find some time to give us an update please?

Churchill missing track covers
Plane wheels always down on Pacific maps
Weird TNT perma holding glitches
Etc etc

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yep, need some “new Making Enlisted a Better Place”
and next big Update


I think the Devs have stopped producing change logs, as the game is definitely being patched we just don’t know what they fix…

Just checked Churchill still bugged but we are on different versions, unless that was just event release?

tank not able to toss smokegrenades, perhaps 1 or 2… been so since a few months.

For plane wheels you need to put it up yourself. But other bug is you can’t use binocular with the tank commander on various soviet tank

No I pull up the wheels and when bailing the plane model still shows them down… it is with a video on CBR mate.

As for Binocs not on tanks yes very frustrating, especially on TDs