Any hints playing Japan? (returning player)

Hello, I last played Enlisted when there still were campaigns and Berlin had just been introduced. I see that my old tactics are still working (plus some refreshing news like APCs and Paratroopers), but of course there are many new maps I should get accustomed to.

I just tried a couple of battles with the new Japanese faction (and we just were just steamrolled by the Allies). I like the Arisakas for now. Any advice how to go on with this nation?


Build rally and plays mg that all


The best way how to prevent steamroll is to group up with other competent players.

Stacks are just way too OP in this game. There’s not much a solo player can do. Especially if you are playing against faction that’s more popular in that specific MM queue.

Stay playing BR2 as long as you can. And skip BR3-BR4 completely.

Japanese BR5 is extremely popular (at least in comparison to other Japanese BRs).

So if you were to play anything BR3-BR4, you’d mostly end up in BR5 matches.
And considering the Japanese don’t really have good BR3-BR4 tech tree rifles, you’d suffer quite a lot.

Plus there’s not even much interesting stuff to justify investing in those lineups in the first place.


Don’t go above BR3.


Best way is to larp a little. Remember Japan has honour and the Emperor on their side.

Even if you end up losing, you can still charge lmg fire with a katana or suicide bomb (only faction where it’s acceptable to) and you will still feel fine.

In short:

  • Just know what you’re getting into. Japan at low br, is the underdog faction. If you get into a match and don’t really expect a win and just play for fun you’ll be fine (and might even end up winning). Play low br Japan if you want a challenge. A bit like Italy from Tunisia campaign.

I started with Japan about some weeks ago.
My first few matches went well, but it depends on your team mates. Since some days Japan gets roflstomped again.
My advise is to stay at BR II as long as possible.
Early upgrades in smg’s are important.

The Type Hei semi rifle is sometimes good, sometimes a shitty slow firing and slow reloading crap gun. I often dont hit an enemy that stands 1-2 meters in front of me while hip firing (5 bullets, no hit marker), so be carefull! And no, it’s no l2p issue.

Sadly you dont have the Thompson event smg’s for Japan (BR II). They are game changer and I love all three of them. The other smg’s are okay, the Type 100 has decent damage and all smg’s are very controlable.

The tanks are garbage. They lack a coaxial machine gun.
The only “okay” tank on BR II is the one with the 75mm gun.

You will face US BR III quite often, so be ready to be slapped by far superior equipment and way better gold order weapons (just compare both shops). US BR II is also strong and I personally have the feeling that US BR II dominates too. Team up with competent players.

I personally will take a break from Japan until new stuff is added. I cant handle so many defeats.
Good luck!

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Upgrade mg squad immediately. Type 11 and type 97 are the best br 2 lmgs there are. Arisaka 38 rifle is really fast boltie and the no recoil type 2a is useful aswell. As for tanks try using ho-i. It is pretty much japanese panzer 3n. Good luck


Japan has excellent SMGs, you will want to get a decent BR2 equipment set as quickly as possible than just keep farming with that.

My advised line up is:
Medic squad
Assaulter squad
MG squad
APC squad
And tank squad once you have unlocked HO-I tank

Mortar squads and fighter aircraft can be useful too, but they are situational so they aren’t worth it for f2p players.

Your best friend will be Type 38 arisaka rifle and Type 100 (early) for BR1, other than S-100 the other weapons are not good enough.

Once you are BR2 you can still use The previous weapons, first you should upgrade your SMGs to Type 2a SMGs than get Type 97 LMG which will become your sniper weapon and LMG at the same time.
Than get the type hei rifle for some of your men, but I would not advise you to completely phase type 38 rifle out.
Finally get the HO-I tank and you are all set.
By this point you should have a decent BR2 Japanese line up that can earn you a fair amount of XP.

If you can, you should also consider max upgrading some of your squads since max upgrading soldiers, weapons and vehicles have became the norm as the game became much more competetive with the merging of campaigns.

Extremely underrated MG by many people.

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For Japan I’d go so far as to say stick to BR 2 and below, BR 3 Japan vs BR 5 USA is not fun, need a Japan BR 3 AT launcher!

BR 2 Japan vs USA is the most balanced imo


Yeah I grinded the Japanese techtree mostly with BR 2 all the way to BR 5.

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Thanks to all for your advice!
So I’ll stick with BR2, I like playing MGs so sure will follow the advice about them, and all other useful squads (I have premium so I got a couple more squad slots).

I had some wins too yesterday, so it’s not that bad.


Just play level 2
Grab your submachine guns, samurai swords, and Molotov cocktails
Stay away from idiots

Actually Japan is winning a lot these days, at low BRs. Maybe many good players want to try their new event’s SMG (which is BR II).

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Air combat wise, their maps have really easy choke points to bomb and strafe if you have some infantry knowledge of the usual high density spots.
People will never change those usual spots. They have little choice.