Anti-Tank Guns

As said in some other threads:

In the most recent update, the devs added HMGs to gunner squads. These HMGs have greatly increased the utility of these previously somewhat unpopular squads. I think a similar overall should be explored for other unpopular squad types, such as the anti-tank squads.

Give engineers outside of anti-tank squads only the possibility to build light anti-tank guns. Like they build outside of gunner squads only light MG nests.

Light version ( 3.7 cm Pak 36):

But if you have engineer in anti-tank squad, give them the ability to build stronger versions of anti-tank guns.

Heavy version (7.5 cm Pak 97/38):


As they add HMG for MG squad they should add better AT gun for AT squad like for Normandy the enge squad has Pak38 50mm the AT squad should have PAK40 75mm on Berlin enge ssquad PAK40 AT squad PAK43 88mm … etc etc with each faction their own AT guns


I support adding more diversity between the squad types like this! I just have a few concerns with this implementation.

I fear that more changes like this will make the engineer squad obsolete. Yes, they have access to all of the buildables, but these weaker buildables would be next to useless. The only way to make this work on late-game campaigns (like berlin) would be to introduce super heavy at, instead of introducing lighter at guns for the engineers. Light at guns wouldn’t be able to penetrate anything against the late war tanks.


the engi squad wouldnt be obsolete because it still has the AA gun and it has both at/mg guns in one squad instead of spread out over 2 squads. thats 2 significant advantages, especially for people with few squad slots.

I guess the engineer squad will never truly be obsolete, I am just worried that they will get stuck with small at guns that are weak/useless in some campaigns. Greatly reducing one of their main functions.

yeah the weakness of them annoys me too, especially how they become outdated against late campaign tanks. in order to balance that out they should just give the engineer 2 squads either the same heavy structures or give them medium powered structures.


I think that is a good solution

I support this idea with the important caveat that the engineer version isn’t too weak to penetrate most armor in w/e campaign you’re playing in.

THey are casue DArkflow put old version on the wrong circa …
For example using Pak38 in 1944 Normandy is like a joke why not use panzer II no ?
Only Berlin is different casue you use PAK40 there a lot more useful version

I can’t remember the last time I used an AT gun in Normandy, so you’re probably right. Come to think of it, I don’t usually use them except in Moscow, Pacific and Tunisia

Nobody really use it anymore.

I use them constantly when taking the E squad, with great impact

I agree. My only concern though is that with each squad type getting specialty fortifications, they will need to beef up the fortification options for the Engineer Specific squads. Perhaps by giving them much more durable variants of the existing defensive structures.

I’m all for new field guns. It provides more use for support roles too!

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Havent seen a single MG nest build by engineer for months.
And definitely none after the HMG update.

AA gun sure is useful, just not rewarding in any manner.

General tendency shows the opposite but who cares?

most people are just too lowbrow and think “ooga booga, hmg better so no mg nest anymore”.
they dont get the idea that you can build both, especially since the mg nest within an E squad can be build much faster with many Es combined (within 2,5 sec overall), so you have an instant protection and firepower multiplier during a heated up battle.
saying they are bad because the majority doesnt build them is like saying rally points are bad because the majority doesnt build them. the sad conclusion here is the majority just is too lazy/retarded to play them game like responsible adults.

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Anti tank guns are already i think adjusted to campaigns,in stalingrad only light at guns can be constructed,in Berlin heavier guns are constructed since they have to deal with Tigers and such,I think its pretty well balanced

you cant seriously win a game without rally points,I agree,its not all about the kills and thats the beauty of it

well obviously they are right. HMG is by far superior.

  1. it can withstand more dmg unlike the engineer mg which breaks from 1 hit from any weapon
  2. it has more dmg

And quite many if not all things goes this way in this game. The “earlier” unlock often is by far inferior than the next unlock you get.
Which is why you dont see too many ppl running around with lvl 1 equipment at end game.

well u need the engineer in lmg squad to build hmg which obviously should have the building speed perk.
Highly doubt the building time is much different not in decisive way anyway.

I dont really find these 2 as comparable.

Totally agree with this.

And then we need this, the artillery tractor, because it’s hard to move these heavy cannons if you only rely on infantry