It seems like you can’t put anti personnel mines on spawn points anymore. I guess this is considered an improvement? However I do feel this has removed what was one of the most hilarious things in Enlisted. I belly laugh when my own squad gets wiped this way, it’s just so unexpected and funny. I’m a little disappointed that the fun police have come in and removed this. Mining spawns isn’t exactly easy to do, most people will just shoot them, so if you mine it there’s no guarantee it’ll work anyway. But it’s oh so funny when it worked.
I understand that some people find this annoying, it’s just a shame some people have no sense of humour, thats internet gaming for you though.
I saw a tiger the other day with a cock and balls drawn on the side, absolutley hilarious…that’s extremley fun so you should remove that too…How did they do that (I’m not telling)
people are complaining about everything nowadays, for sure someone will appear here in this thread to say how annoying was to be killed by a mine in spawn and that it was good that it was removed
If you were just killed near a spawn point and know enemy is very close by, then it’s your own fault for spawning on it knowing a AP mine could be planted on it
It’s the griefer’s fault for griefing. Being a rancid toilet of a person in real life will lose you teeth. Why people think they can get away with it online is beyond me.
So we just place more mines further back or use barbed wire from now on.
Good grief lol, they won’t fix them all.
And now with campaign merge, get ready:
-phosphor spam on berlin with no allied phosphors
-HVAR and M8 rocket spam even harder
-2-3 tigers
Also most players will have more mines and granades, as equipment will merge too
And if matchmaking will be better, i don’t think most players are ready for full 10v10 top tier matches, they happen rarely in berlin. If you know you know, pure cancer with 24/7 screen shaking from tanks, planes, artillery and granade/mine spam.
DF just doesnt learn.
listening to whiny soyboys constantly ruins the game: AA nerf, Plane spawn distance nerf, tank MG cooldown nerf etc.
mining rally points is only possible, if the owners run around like monkeys and DONT DEFEND THEIR OWN RALLY.
i.e. reasonable players will never get their rallies mined, only bad players. thats not griefing, otherwise bombing people behind the objective would be griefing, shooting enemies while they build rallies would be griefing, throwing molotovs behind the objective so defenders cant approach would be griefing, its just a low IQ mindset to wanting to have things nerfed when the players themselves fuck up.
also: placing your own mine on your own rally prevents enemy mines from blowing up your rally, since your mine will trigger on them trying to mine; but these whiners can not even think about this obvious defense measure.
edit: every couple months i also spawn on a mined rally. why so rarely? because i take countermeasures. also whenever it happens, i get information about why my rally wasnt save and that enemies easily reached this particular area → i learn from these situations.
people who only complain and bitch when that happens were lazy noobs and will forever stay lazy noobs.
Yeah I mine my own spawnpoints too as well as other peoples, allies, enemies, doesn’t matter… because there’s plenty of people that are as big of a looool miner as I am. ^^
I have been playing for more than two years. On average it takes less than 1 minute for someone to spawn on a rally as long as you stay back enough for them to spawn on it. So…yeah
This game is becoming a game for wankers. Roll the red carpet for the complainers. The best part is giving up to that atitude wont be sustainable long run. GJ is only hurting itself long run