Anti-material weapon: ZIF-11 Heavy Sniper Rifle

I suggest adding a plenty of heavy sniper rifles in game, via Battlepass or Marathon, but for now i’ll share the information about one of them, the most hidden one - СБР ЗИФ-11 “SniperArmourpenetratingRifle ZIF-11”.






Blueprint fragment


A fragment of explanatory note sheet for the SBR ZIF-11 type antitank rifle

In 1942 in Leningrad, a “Frunze” factory no.7 made a dozen of prototypes of an Anti-tank rifle ZIF-11 ment to replace a PTRD and PTRS. They were ment to be more reliable in case of casing-exctaction, because PTRD and PTRS had problems with it, but sadly, they were the same in that case.

Then a factory tried to remake those rifles into a heavy sniper rifles, they’ve added a PE sniper scope and made rifles significantly shorter - 1.3m instead of 2m of PTRD/PTRS, also made them lighter - 14kg in comparison of 17-20kg PTRD and PTRS. That made them possible to being handled by a single soldier. Also they had a better accuracy. 10cm circle on a 150m distance.

Those rifles were tested in combat in Leningrad front and commanders of Leningrad front’s artillery approved them as useful for anti-pillbox and anti-ligh vehicle purpose. Then, a factory sent one to general USSR’s artillery polygon for testing, but commanders told that they will prefer testing 20mm Anti-tank rifle “RES” and 14.5mm “Blum’s” Anti-tank rifle because they were more “perspective”.

So, those rifles existed, they were made and even tested in combat. I guess thats enough for adding them in game.

Some specs:


Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 957m/s
Mass: 14.48 kg
Length: 1333 mm
Length in combat position: 1620 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm


Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 958m/s
Mass: 13.65 kg
Length: 1307 mm
Length in combat position: 1585 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm


Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 1000m/s
Mass: 14.70 kg
Length: 1543 mm
Length in combat position: 1820 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm

Article in "Kalashnikov":

UPD. Thx to @_DELAVR , we can see the ZIF-11 from another side!

Also some Anti-tank rifles, ZIF-11A is on the right:


It looks identical to a panzerbüchse, was it a modification of that design?

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Lol, when its +45 celsius outside, i can’t think well and my english starts breaking apart.

I want to say sorry to everyone who tried to read my post :Р

Not a direct modification, but maybe a remake, idk. Based on design but made from scratch, i guess.

Its 14.5mm, not 7.62.

Makes sense, taking an existing design that works and improving it is certainly easier then making a brand new one.

It could make for a really cool event or BP weapon along with other scoped AT rifles.


There were like 3 Anti-tank rifles with scopes in USSR in 1938-1944. All prototypes.

Germans had Soloturn S 18-100
US had Boys rifle with scope and Japan had Type 97 with scope.

I’ll try to make posts about them maybe.

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M2 browning with scope

Not sure how adding a scope on a AT rifle would affect balance, But it sure would feel a lot better than using iron sights at 50+ m. Even if it was a short-range scope with an optimal range of about 40 m. I’m sure people could pull off some good shots at 60 to 70 with that.

Against tanks it would make almost no difference except for sniping barrels of tanks you cant pen.

But It sure would make a silly single shot sniper rifle.

Sniper rifle against machinegun nests and maybe rally points behind the sandbags, lol.
So, as in real life, it will be pretty interesting against pillboxes :Р

Glad there are scoped anti-tank rifles for each faction ))

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Added two new photos of ZIF-11, thx to @_DELAVR

Also, my russian post about that rifle contains 12 likes, english one - only 5, interesting.

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yeah i like to shot enemy with my at rifles, the feeling you get when your at rifle blew your enemy ahhhhhh
but which class will use sniper at rifles . sniper or at guy

Definitely AT guy.

Glad we can put an AT guy in sniper squad, lol.
Also good that not only SU has scoped AT rifles, so Darkflow actually can add them for everyone.

woah , which tier… if you say tier 1- 2 then NOOOOOO…its gonna be fire, bcoz the guy using it can spot a tank and kill it from a long range, and guys like me will bully those tanks from miles away by shooting its tracks and barrel, also it can penetrate to multiple enemy bodies standing in a row

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Well, then maybe 3rd tier, but naaah, what tank at 3-4 BR it can pen? I doubt any.

I think 2 BR and like, Event ones. So you can get only 1 rifle for each faction.
But i think it can be very useful as anti-pillbox rifle, as in real life it was. Destroying machineguns, AT guns, rally points behind sandbags, lol.