I suggest adding a plenty of heavy sniper rifles in game, via Battlepass or Marathon, but for now i’ll share the information about one of them, the most hidden one - СБР ЗИФ-11 “SniperArmourpenetratingRifle ZIF-11”.
In 1942 in Leningrad, a “Frunze” factory no.7 made a dozen of prototypes of an Anti-tank rifle ZIF-11 ment to replace a PTRD and PTRS. They were ment to be more reliable in case of casing-exctaction, because PTRD and PTRS had problems with it, but sadly, they were the same in that case.
Then a factory tried to remake those rifles into a heavy sniper rifles, they’ve added a PE sniper scope and made rifles significantly shorter - 1.3m instead of 2m of PTRD/PTRS, also made them lighter - 14kg in comparison of 17-20kg PTRD and PTRS. That made them possible to being handled by a single soldier. Also they had a better accuracy. 10cm circle on a 150m distance.
Those rifles were tested in combat in Leningrad front and commanders of Leningrad front’s artillery approved them as useful for anti-pillbox and anti-ligh vehicle purpose. Then, a factory sent one to general USSR’s artillery polygon for testing, but commanders told that they will prefer testing 20mm Anti-tank rifle “RES” and 14.5mm “Blum’s” Anti-tank rifle because they were more “perspective”.
So, those rifles existed, they were made and even tested in combat. I guess thats enough for adding them in game.
Some specs:
Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 957m/s
Mass: 14.48 kg
Length: 1333 mm
Length in combat position: 1620 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm
Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 958m/s
Mass: 13.65 kg
Length: 1307 mm
Length in combat position: 1585 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm
Caliber: 14.5mm
Muzzle velocity: 1000m/s
Mass: 14.70 kg
Length: 1543 mm
Length in combat position: 1820 mm
Armor penetration: 40mm
UPD. Thx to @_DELAVR , we can see the ZIF-11 from another side!
Also some Anti-tank rifles, ZIF-11A is on the right: