Anti Guerrilla Warfare

Well since we have Guerrilla class will be nice to expand the Raider and APC class to counter them.
Guerrilla are equipped only with small arms so its time all faction to get APCs in the tech tree giving us better protection against such squads:

SU M3 Scout Car USSR:
M3 Scout Car USSR

GE Sd.Kfz. 250:
Sd.Kfz. 250

Japan Type 1 Ho-Ki:

US T19 M21 mortar motor carriage:

Encountering APC squads with Guerrilla will be your worst nightmare since they are more then you and have protection against small arms and while hunting normal spawn points and trucks is easy and ambush set up by such vehicle combined with soldiers to support it will be your worst nightmare. Such armored vehicles will ensure counter to Guerrilla warfare keeping your supply chain up and running.

Amphibious Trucks will be the next addition giving you advantage to cross rivers and attacking from unexpected points :


GE Landwasserschlepper:

Japan Su-Ki:
Amphibious Truck Su-Ki

US(UK) Terrapin:

The final anti Guerrilla warfare to keep your supply chain is Armored cars for the raider class to hunt them directly since they don’t have weapons to fight against armor and have less speed then armored cars with such vehicles will be able to hunt them down and will expand the raider class :


Japan Type 92 Chiyoda armoured car:
Type 92 Chiyoda armoured car

GE Sd.Kfz 221:

US (UK) Otter Light Reconnaissance Car:

All this vehicles will be 3 members squads that can carry driver and 2 different specialist LMG guy or Recon and Radio Operator or Assaulter. This vehicles are not designed for direct confrontation against armor they are perfect for guard duties or hunting Guerrilla fighters or taking points very fast before the enemy direct engagement on the frontline will lead to your death so avoid using them as tanks they are not they don’t have almost non anti armor capabilities…


Is that a mortar in the back? if so i like it


well yes it is US was the biggest producer of APCs during WW 2 so yes it will be very unique APCs

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Let’s not forget the clown shoe shaped Soviet car!!!


I was thinking adding it but it has only 2 crew members but yes it can be added as a option

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It’s just like the motorcycle, they’re only 2…

Which reminds me Soviets also need a lend lease motorcycle squad. For once, Allies got it rightfully first so it’d be fine to give it to Soviets as well.

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Well soviets may not have motorcycle squad but have BA 64 that’s fine

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LVT-1 Alligator


There is premium squad for US that is very similar to this one

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That’s an LVT-4 not an LVT-1

yeah but its very similar i prefer to give US unique motor carriage and will be hard to find equal vehicle for GE and USSR

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for armored cars, since they’re notably not abusable like GZ tanking. But I feel like the easiest way to counter Guerrillas is to just shoot them, no? They still can’t go into your spawn.


Well yes but they can set up ambushes with armored car and apc moving together will be hard to ambush them without anti tank while normal truck and normal car are venerable to small arms fire against armored car they don’t have much what they can do

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TBH I’d personally rather see a tech tree LVT-1 or M3 Halftrack.

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well USSR have it but yes its possible to be added to US tech tree the LVT-1 simply will interfere with premium US vehicle too much

I don’t really think so. LVT-4 is clearly better. Has more guns, including two .50 cals. Also better armor. On top of that, the LVT-1 is kind of already in the game with scattered broken-down carcasses all over Pacific maps. Makes sense it would be added, at least as an event reward if not in the TT.

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Well as event is easier since i wont have to thinker options for the rest of the factions and Japan has similar vehicle so as event will be very easy to add it

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Really? More of our stuff? Come on now

T19 and M21 are redundant. One’s prototype designation, one’s production/service designation. Outside of the changes that may occur when transitioning from the prototype stage to full production stage, fixing of issues, simplification for mass production, etc, they’re the same thing
Secondly on this one in particular, a mortar is an indirect mini artillery. It would be better to have a more direct fire weapon. Don’t get me wrong, I’d LOVE to have some MMC’s in the game, but I think an HMC, GMC, MGMC, or simply our M3 Halftrack with 1 M2 .50 and 2 M1919A4’s will be more effective than the M21 MMC

Why not the M3A1E1 Scout Car? Or the M1 Combat Car?

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