Another Engie Structure

For a hypothetical case that the company decides that engineers can build more stuff, I suggest adding cointet-element and if anyone is going to cry at me, I remind you that the whole “not historically correct” thing has long since gone to shit, that or put dragon teeth in…


for engineer III please

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many people are asking for engie III

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tbh engineer III and anti-tank III is a must in this game. if useless (but fun) sniper squad get their third squad i don’t see why engineers and anti-tank shouldn’t.

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agree,but zerg rushers who want end gsme in less of 5 minutes dont like it

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A another thing I would like to see is a radar for enemy aircraft.It would be cool and I don’t think it would be that over powered and they were a big part of WW2.

These would limit tank movement even more. Imagine putting one belgian gate at wilhelmstarsse and blocking the whole enemy tank force for the whole game.

These would also be built indoors like the czech hedgehogs which would make them really annoying

To build a pill box would be nice too

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Hell no pill box would be way to over power.And in real life there would be a entire process on making a pill box. Still good idea it would be fun but to over powered.

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no he got a point, instead of concrete,make it be wood or sandbag one, it can resist a few hits before kaboom. unles japan who need be steel one :3

give quad flaks to engineer IIIs too while we’re at it, USA can have quad m2 .50 cals