Anniversary of the Gewehr 98's adoption

Yeah i was really surprised and happy about but i think we eat sh!t…

i was just going to mention that… some people are really…

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Ah, looks like I won’t have enough time on my hands.:slightly_frowning_face:

I would’ve loved this.

Should I wait to receive new tasks about the event? Because I already completed the ones I was wearing and I don’t know what to do.

Yes, you have to wait ±13h for new tasks to appear

Meaning, sleep is allowed at this point.


Anybody else appreciate that this is a great format for an event? It gives a us a generous amount of time in case we’re busy one day. I’m glad the brought back Gewehr 98 and it’s a cool event.


Especially because so many people nowadays barely know about the Holocaust or Nazis? Seriously? We’re gonna censor all these symbols and refuse to teach an extremely important part of history? Sounds like we’re itching to repeat it.


A surprisingly political stance, when we’re just supposed to be talking about a beautiful rifle :thinking:

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Ofc, me as well, but…

What does it have to do with the G98? :smile:


Nothing. Hence “fair enough”

Wow. WTF is going on here?

Someone pounded too many Boone’s Farms and has gone fully mental.


dam 2 flag huh i guess you gotta edit to “unflag” yourself

Nothing has been updated yet, what can I do? ahaha

You still have to wait 4h

Oh boy, someone is impatient. :stuck_out_tongue:


so why cant i buy the G98 war mod? i bought the german sword (for keeping it in theme) but the option for buying the g98 war mod dont seem to appear at all do i have to wait till last quest? (the last 3 quest i mean)

see i already bought the sword cause i thought it would appear but i guess i gotta wait which is fine (it just my paranoia acting up that all that why i ask pretty dumb question)

You need to complete 8 assignments for the rifle.

Also, since it’s only for axis faction, the “blue voucher” is unnecessary: you will most likely receive the rifle directly.

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so i get 2 sword and 1 gun? that is pretty good ngl (it way better than i thought tbh)

Only one sword :thinking:

well now im confuse welp we’ll see what happen in 2 day