An someone explain this to me?

USSR had several AT guns. They had the ZIS-2 and 3, (the ZIS-2 57 mm and the ZIS-3 was 76 mm) and they had a couple of variations of a 45 mm. The ZIS-2 was used until 1945, and was apparently felt to be sufficient against the Tiger.

Why did they give the Soviets German anti-tank guns?

Placeholder. Sooner or later they will get some version of ZIS but devs need to model it first. And apparently it sin’t a priority now.


I think it is because of balance purpose. ZIS-2 has lower anti infantry capability than Pak 40.

Before the Merge, the soviet were using the 45mm gun in Stalingrad and Moscow. The germans had the 50mm PaK 38 in almost any campaign.

However in Berlin, each side had the PaK 40 75mm because the tanks there were more armored and thus requiered better AT gun. (It was supposed to be captured PaK 40 just like the Panzerfaust logic)

However after the merge they both kept the PaK as the 45 mm gun was too weak. In fact, in the code, I am pretty sure that the model of AT gun is linked to the squad itself so, it had to be changed to the better AT gun for balance purpose.

So does the British 6 Pdr / US M1 57mm. But the allies have to do with a mediocre gun while the soviet get the best one…I am not even talking about the japanese, their AT gun is awful honestly


Doubt it. Unlike aa gun, there is not much placeholder going on in at gun.
The Japan initially receive the 6pdr as the placeholder at gun but it was quickly replaced by the 47mm type1.
So it is very unlikely to have placeholder in one campaign, but they develop new at gun for other campaign.

Don’t forget that the counterpart of the 6pdr was the Pak38 not the Pak40.

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Yes but I’d expect devs to add ZIS sooner or later. There is no reason not to.
And in case it underperforms, we can add some DF magic to it.

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