An idea for the tech tree

On the example of weapons:

(Quality matches the salary.)

Each campaign has it’s own tech tree that starts…
…at the beggining (Campaign name block).
From there the player can choose what to grind next. In this case player chose Bolt Action rifle tier 1 and already researched 50% of it.

On the block with BA1 (and many other) you can see two circles (chains in the final version). This means that exp required to unlock this weapon is sheared across listed campaigns (of course there needs to be a proper UI with info about it).
So for example, in campaign A it takes 5k exp to unlock some weapon and in campaign B it takes 10k to unlock the same weapon.
If it gets unlocked in the A campaign (5k/5k exp), in B campaign the player has got 50% of the research (5k/10k exp).
If it gets unlocked in the B campaign (10k/10k exp), in A campaign the player has the weapon unlocked and can use it if he unlocked the previous weapon on the tech tree in the A campaign.

Some weapons may require two guns to be researched before. For example AR1 requires both MG2 and SMG2.
Also some weapons may be researched from two other unlocks. For example ATR1 can be unlocked either after unlocking SA1 or AT1. (It doesn’t make sense but I needed it for educational purposes.)

It’s kind of crude but tbh I don’t have any better idea of how to do a tech tree without it being heavily flawed.


Basically war thunder research tree

Imo should be like this but some gun like kar are both starter gun or grind gun


We need a more heavy approch on the rework because i dont see dev Make 12 and more different tech tree

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Combining early and late war campaign into one tech tree is problematic. Either late war players have to gring through early war stuff or exp cost of unlocking things doesn’t make sense.
Personally I didn’t find any sensible solution to this and according to my knowledge, nobody else did either.

I know, the actual enlisted campaign system is an handicap than a help, but because is hard thinking a rework is better go for easy solution

As you posted,If you unlock a gun, squad or veichle the next time you gonna unlock here the grind is halfed

And this can be the perfect solution for cut the grind of same shit of a lot

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Yeah, but the problem of grinding useless shit is still present.

Also (going back to my A and B campaign example) this would mean that if I unlocked a thing in the B campaign, A campaign get’s only 2.5k exp. Kind of a bad deal if you ask me but still better than 0.

Only in half, and is less stressful grind 70kxp for another mortar you alread unlocked than another 140kxp

The suffering is less

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I think the best way would be that of red orchestra 2

You level up on both sides by playing on any team

but to have a better version of the weapon (say MP38 towards 40) you would have to grind that weapon to have a better version

if you see the arrows pointing down when you choose weapon in this image

those arrows are the levels, there are 3 levels, level 3 in that game transforms the mp40 into a mp40/1


I’m wishing for this since… Oh my. Since a long time now.

Because we could have sidegrades! And new tools/classes could be introduced seamlessly into campaigns!

Medics! Halftracks! Cars, motorcycles! More weaponry choices ignoring power creep, as you could have the choice to lvl unlock one of two available smgs at the same tier, for example!


yup pretty much did a very similar thing. Hopefully devs do something


I won’t bother creating a new account to see it so I have to trust you :upside_down_face:

awe didnt know you needed an account. Ill take a screencap real quick

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hopefully not too impossible to see/read. This took me like, 2 hours worth of work, i think? And I’m not even being paid to do it.


Looks nice.

We’re all unpaid interns.

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