American uniforms (Normandy and Pacific)

American uniforms in Normandy seem as if they are the wrong color, almost as if the brown is too light.


That is the base American uniform, plain but it works. Here are the kitted ones you can purchase with the customization tokens (there aren’t really too many good photos of the current ones)

Here are the uniforms I am comparing them to any why I think they are sort of inaccurate.



The pants are brown and the overcoats are a lighter brown but not super light. Then you also have the webbing, the second photo I placed shows it well. It’s not a super big issue, but being a history buff myself, it’s kind of annoying.

Pacific time :smiley:

The base pacific uniforms are not bad. It’s the customizable ones that lack in quality, I prefer to have webbing on my soldiers so it gives some more engagement for not just me but for the enemy too.

The customizable uniforms in the pacific look like they are just random combinations of the uniforms from Normandy, with only two having the jungle camo that some of the marines used.


That’s the games depiction, it’s just with the uniforms of pretty much every nation, only the customizable uniforms include webbing, it would be nice if a customizable uniform looked like this


or this

Anyways, just a little more attention to detail for the uniforms on the American side, for the pacific and Normandy, the axis have really good customization for their uniforms, American uniforms feel like they are lacking.


This and they don’t have the USMC P44 HBT Fatigue Cap in customization

Funny enough, I bought an entire khaki brown outfit with a sand camo helmet in Normandy. I call whichever squad I equip it to “The Sand Men”


Yeah, I wish that cap would be added, but we’ll see, I know that they had changed the uniforms previously, so maybe they’ll do it again! Perhaps with the graphical update, I don’t know, just feels like we are getting the discount American army

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I will share with you something I learned, the cap and officer outfit are in the game files; they just haven’t released it.

That is absolutely amazing, imagine if they added it!

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the Americans do look weird, but also everyone else

I would be happy if there were improvements made to all uniform models


I am afraid it will be a premium squad tho
Hopefully, they won’t be scummy toward us and keep the Frogman camo patterns for the premium squads.

Some winter uniforms please.

I am afraid of December 1944 :grimacing:

That is true, it’s just enlisted is the only ww2 based shooter (excluding COD and the BF series) that I’ve seen mess up the American uniforms so badly.

But yeah, revamped uniforms for all nations would be amazing!

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