American GMC M3 half track + other APC ideas


May I behold to you the M3 GMC (Gun Motor Carriage)
A perfect event/prem APC for the US to match up with the germans 251/9
armed with a single 75 mm M1897 gun.

and while I can’t find any historical photos of it seeming an 50 cal on the back:

And if you’re asking “Okay well what else would come with the event?” may I behold to you the SU-57
is it kinda cheap to have the same reward for the soviets? true but it’s historical, A good fit for both sides.

As for B.R? I’m thinking B.R 3 for both.

Or may I behold to you the t20 komsomolet a B.R 2 apc for the soviets


No, stummels AP is useless against majority of BR3 vehicles.

Thus this needs to be at least BR4 to be “properly” balanced.

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I’d disagree.

The Stummel suffers in up tiers but is great in downtiers due to the fact it’s ability to kill weak armor tanks.

At b.r 4 the GMC would suffer from a lack of ability to do anything, past being good anti trooper.

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I’m for

Doesn’t make sense, it would be better against any lower BR tank it could met. Meaning BR3.

Stummel is useless against any tank of his BR and so should be this.

That’s the consistency, deal with it.


Yeah that’s a what? M1897A1 75mm French field cannon?

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It would be able to be one shot by any tank it also meets.

It’s a glass cannon much like the stummel is.


Barrel were french.

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Proper balance would be to put stummel on BR2 and this gmc to br3.

Bur since community wants toxic balance. Stummel is BR3 and gmc should be BR4.


Stummel literally isn’t glass cannon because it’s useless against vehicles oh his own BR.

Learn definition of glass cannon.


I’d 100% agree with this, The stummel is very much a B.R 2 APC placed at B.R 3, It is way too high up for what it is.

I highly suggest this as well M3 GMC at B.R 3, Stummel at B.R 2


The stummel is still a glass cannon, Weak to inf but just as powerful due to being a short barrel HE launcher.

Plus they could balance it simply by having the GMC only have 3-5 shots of APHE/AP

Meaning it would more or less have more HE.

“They can dish it out, but they can’t take it. The Glass Cannon is characterized by insane attack power coupled with pathetic defensive ability.”

Because it is an APC and it is not meant to fight tanks?

APCs and tanks are not the same.

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In all truth, I’d rather the 251/9 not be given the role as an APC, Same to the GMC due to logically
you can’t carry many people in this thing. due to ammo + crew


Seems like you didn’t get my point whatsoever. Try to figure it out. :man_shrugging:

I believe in you.

Im not a fan of proper guns on APCs because at some point they just arent an APC but a tank destroyer or etc.
The stummel is only acceptable for me because allied tanks quicky get so much armor that the stummel cant even do anything to them.
But the M3 would be penetrating every single axis tank without a problem as those only start getting well armored in BR4.
If you allow a halftrack that removed their benches in favor for mounting a gun ontop to still be an APC then you will quickly run into the problem of tank riding.
Lots of nations had troops riding ontop of tanks so you could make a case for those tanks beeing an APC aswell.

If you allow everything to be an APC then you should allow this to be an APC aswell.


All of those examples arent even hard to find as there are plenty more pictures on he internet.
I know that the stummel is still problematic but adding more upgunned APCs wont improve the situation either.


Again APCs are NOT meant to fight tanks unless forced to, all of these types of cannon armed APCs should be BR 3 or above otherwise they would make other APCs pointless.

It is a mobile rally point that can sling a couple of HE shells at enemy infantry and you should use it as such, there is a reason it doesnt occupy the tank slot.

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Again, that’s completely unrelated to what I have been saying.

Try again

Such a saltlord, jesus, the 75 can pen Pz IVs frontally anything else and that cannon becomes useless, just like the stummel.

Everything I said would also apply to the M3 GMC.

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That was my point.

Peope should choose either proper balance or bad balance.
But they should stay consistent with their poison.

Putting both of them on BR3 isn’t consistent.