American BR1-3 is even worse than Soviet BR 1-3

I have to be honest with you, if you in the floor tell the guy in the sky at 800 meters high and 2.5 km away, where is the tank that is in front of you, it’s easier for everyone. Sadly this remark has to be done everyday, cause let me tell you at 700 meters in the sky, you can’t see shit, and if a tank is not shooting in a stationary position, it’s just decoration from the sky. Game is getting full of casuals, it’s ok, casuals are assets of a free game. I mean when you are pointing at something there are three things you can do in this game, shoot, aim or tag.

You can spot tanks at 2000 meter distance - even far outside of your render distance, all you have to do is spam the spot button.

Please, do tell me more.

Now, being serious, if you think you can tag a tank from 2kms away by “spamming” the tag button randomly in some area, I have to be honest with you, I no longer care for what you have to say.

Good for you.

It was dead before the merge.

It was dead pre merge on the Pacific and Tunisia. Only Normandy had players. If you want to play US just go full T5, there is no point 1-3.

The US relies heavy on air superiority/paratroopers, which is not there in BR1-3. They cannot put up a fight without strong planes. That is the case even in T5, if they dont have a decent pilot or paratroopers that storms the objective, they lose very easy.

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A good pilot will anticipate where enemy tanks are likely to be and spot them from the air to find their targets.
If you just wait for a spot from the ground, you may not be able to do anything. So,I do that all the time.
But just because a pilot can do that is no reason for soldiers on the ground not to spot tanks.
It helps the pilots and then they help themselves.
This is not a discussion about who should do it. If you want to help your team, do it yourself.
Well…, if it’s a team that wants to help.

Clearly, i am not working for anyone, if team can’t tag and refuse to do it, there’s no need to provide support of any kind.

I hate friendly pilots who ask for marks especially if we are playing against Americans or Germans they always ask for marks on tanks and then they miss and second of all American tanks and german tanks are easy to spot first is the huge muzzle flash from tanks that gives its place away and second is German tracer rounds are green so you can not miss them from sky just have to track those and find tank and Americans are in the same boat their tanks have red tracer so if you cant find enemy tanks from sky you are generally not a good pilot (ITS General statement) the only time you need marks are when you try to bomb enemy and even then you can 90 percent of time predict where enemy might be going by the flow of the match

“I hate friendly pilots who ask for marks”. Sorry can’t relate. The rest probably has no more sense than that, but good luck!

the merge fixed the issue of match with not enough players. but it also reveal a new issue…
the players? most of the are… can’t say the R word, they’re less than bots. their only advantage is that they can spawn in vehicle so the enemy team can get more points and flavors of excitement in life.

these sub-bots players are way too many. though i guess that’s on me playing on BR2 matches because i am not ready to go BR3 and then yeeted to BR5 match.
it was a very fun and engaging match mmind you. but i don’t think my decrepit heart can handle games of that caliber too often. not when half of my squad is toting goddamn BA against assault rifles.