So we gonna ignore the
M2 Stinger(The model has a 100 round ammo capacity but DF magically doubled its ammo capacity.)
Hyde M1944
RPzB. 43 Ofenrohr
How interesting, the US faction has so many weapons from other countries, it is now the faction with the most weapons from other countries in the whole game
You can get the good stuff from other factions just by “capture”
Oh, can the Japanese faction capture the Sherman tank? Can the German faction capture the P47?
I am worried that some American players will come out to protest again when that happens:
Oh no, capturing will make the game boring
So we need this
that is a funny way of saying Russian bias
tanks only slightly worse then germany
planes only slightly worse than us
best smg’s
rifles equal to any other (save br2 rifles funny)
mgs equal to germany
german at rockets
yep us is the favored son
well kinda expected… this game moves in faction cycles.
the power of glorious emperor soldiers who will fight again under geared
i am currently playing germany BR5 for cause it will be insufferable for a while after update comes out…
One of the most iconic fighter-bombers of all time
A needed FG 42 analogue
One of the most iconic naval planes of all time
Tiger II analogue
StG analogue
Unnecessary and stupid addition
After this next update the Allies will have…2 foreign weapons. Wow so many!
What exactly is your point here? Upset the Allies get a bunch of fun toys?
In 1,741 games played as Allies, I have a 54.74% winning percentage, so I don’t think I would say that their is a lot of unbalance.
The last several months I have played majority level 5 Germans, but mostly because I have been trying to max out about a dozen level 5 squads I have been building. I have all the main weapons maxed, and working on maxing the Radioman back up weapons. My level 5 Allies are done, then time to play some level 5 Russians as I have a lot of building I can do there.
ironically not the best fighter plane for the US, best one would be 51D since that gets airspawn while corsair is a carrier spawn but both will get outturned by 109k and g-6
you both are overestimating how good sup pershing will be, it will behave similar to the IS-2
- worst battle rifle in the game
- worst SMGs in the game
- worst MGs in the game (the Stinger is so rare it doesnt count and shouldnt even exist)
- 2nd worst AT in the game (Japan has US beat there, true)
- planes mostly good for curbstomping bots or non-sentient players (if the enemy has a figter pilot that isn’t blind and deaf or builds a flak you’re probably not going to be having a good time)
- cringe tanks
- currently the most braindead non-sentient players of all factions (half the time they are in BR5 matches with starter carbines and an M13/A13)
Maybe it’s not something to cry over
boooo (it shouldn’t be like that)
yes divide the small added content into four micro slices so everybody gets less
I had this conversation before
First rockets on any plane sucks shouldn’t been a thing for a long time
The FG-42 is literally the T20 even same recoil pattern
You guys still got the Tiger 2 that’s why the T26E1-1 happened plus then the Ho-Ri production which is a menace in WT and in the game pain in the ass in both gameplay wise
Pz oph is also used by the Germans so that’s null by default
Also the stinger is an event gun you’re got even garenteed to see it don’t go one about the boxes ether you know what was the percentage chance was to get a stinger? 1.32% and it’s competing against other event gun so the real chances are even lower
PS the 105 Sherman before us was added to the game had HEAT so you’re saying u want that tank to have HEAT too? When things aren’t added to the game means they’re being tested and trailed
M44 HYDE the M2 carbine exist you can give that to a 9 man squad to anyone that holds a rifle why weren’t you complaining about the M2 then?
Also note “some many weapons from other countries” that’s literally Germany Germany their guns are a minority in what they actually had so double standard there
I am a cynical person who always plays the faction with the smallest player base, what do I have to fear?
Is it fun to play a game where the side that always loses and the side that always wins are fixed?
I know this might be a really crazy idea…but what if… the game moved away from faction stacking and having “guaranteed win/guaranteed loss” player population distribution?
–>proceeds to get a dedicated 10 stack
–>they queue sync together
–>curbstomps everyone because of hyper coordination
–>all players go swap to the “winning” side
yeah getting rid of stacks, or ques for stacks only common sense to me
What was the Germies favorite saying was OH “FLANK IT!” second we get a counter the Germies start crying and the super Pershing is not even a good counter it has the dumbest ammo layout of any American heavy which makes it really freakin easy to kill with anything that has an 8.8cm cannon.
It breaks the game for people who don’t float around now I play American pretty much exclusively so my experience is super hit or miss because of faction migration because of stacking.
I do play Germany and I do play Japan I don’t play russia on principle.