Alternative solutions for Soviet BR2 Anti-Tank Weapons(Enhance PTRS-41)

Give them BS-41 AP shell, which can pierce at least 40mm(even 50mm) armor in the distance of 100m, not current 30mm
This is definitely better than simply introducing the M1 Bazooka


Even with the extra penetration, PTRS would still be a bad weapon with little post pen damage.


When it comes to what the Germans have with their anti tank rifles the Soviets are better off and now they’re getting M1 so unless you plan to add this as well for the Germans I would say don’t bother.

YOU think Grb-39 is worse? wtf


I actually like it. Can pretty much guarantee a detonation kill with a double tap to the ammo rack.

Or an engine fire

I still like AT rifles


The thing is too loud and for some reason it acts like a rocket and gives away your position

yea beside it shooting range is like 100m i belive making it quite hard to aim and by the time you got the right position you are dead (from my experience that is)

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Do you really think tanks cannot determine the position of AT rifles? Skill Issue possibly

Just practice a little bit. Like Panzerfaust, you can gradually accurately determine how much you need to move upwards

yea i prefer the gun but that just me beside i am not playing br3 at the moment

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With the Japanese antitank rifle and PTRS you can wipe a tank crew quickly if you know what you’re doing

If I am not mistaken
The current Soviet anti-tank rifle is also 40MM

It’s not without reason that anti-tank rifles were eliminated
The rocket launcher has 60MM armor penetration
Why should I use the 40MM one?

While you are making sense here, lots of players can’t use Anti-Tank Rifles very well. I could see this possibly being an okay-ish AT weapon for a low BR event squad, but not as a Tech Tree item.

You want to the Tech Tree stuff to be better than event and premium weapons. For example like the StG 44 (Tech Tree) vs the StG 45 (Premium).

Yes . You could change ammo like you do in a tank.
A similar graphic display for what ammo you can select would work just fine.

Could be a limited amount of such ammo as, say, one magazine (5 projectiles).

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Shouldn’t it be? All the weapons of the premium team are not as good as the ultimate weapon of BR5, are they?

Or they could have added this, it has 150mm of penetration but that can easily be reduced so it could fit into BR 2, copy and paste weapons should be kept as a last resort and not the easy way out.


You’d be correct in this statement. However many people don’t realize this so when you kill them with said weapons the 1st reaction they’ll have and say is “Pay 2 Win”. And because people don’t look into the details; they’re very incline to believe that person who made that statement.